Image Restoration
We introduce image restoration in the Cellpose3 paper.
The image restoration module denoise
provides functions for restoring degraded images.
There are two main classes, DenoiseModel
for image restoration only, and
for image restoration and then segmentation. There are four types
of image restoration provided: denoising, deblurring, upsampling and one-click (trained on
all degradation types). For each of these
there are three models: one trained on the full cyto3
training set, one trained on the
training set, and one trained on the nuclei
training set. Each of these
models are available on the website as
, or will be
automatically downloaded when you first run the model in the notebook, CLI or GUI:
, 'deblur_cyto3'
, 'upsample_cyto3'
, 'oneclick_cyto3'
, 'deblur_cyto2'
, 'upsample_cyto2'
, 'oneclick_cyto2'
, 'deblur_nuclei'
, 'upsample_nuclei'
, 'oneclick_nuclei'
Each of the models above were trained with the segmentation loss and perceptual loss. We also make available
the models trained with different loss functions for verifying the results of the paper,
e.g. 'denoise_rec_cyto2'
is the denoising model trained with the reconstruction loss function
on the cyto2
training set.
Initialize a DenoiseModel with the model_type:
from cellpose import denoise
dn = denoise.DenoiseModel(model_type="denoise_cyto3", gpu=True)
Now you can apply this denoising model to specified channels in your images,
using the Cellpose channel format (e.g. channels=[1,2]
), or leave
to apply the model to all channels. Make sure to set the diameter to
the size of the objects in your image.
imgs_dn = dn.eval(imgs, channels=None, diameter=50.)
If you have two channels, and the second is a nuclear channel, you can specify to use
the nuclei restoration models on the second channel, with chan2=True
from cellpose import denoise
dn = denoise.DenoiseModel(model_type="denoise_cyto3", gpu=True, chan2=True)
imgs_dn = dn.eval(imgs, channels=[1,2], diameter=50.)
The upsampling model 'upsample_cyto3'
enables upsampling to diameter of 30., and the
upsampling model 'upsample_nuclei'
enables upsampling to diameter of 17. If you have
images, for example, in which the objects are of diameter 10, specify that in the
function call, and then the model will upsample the image to 30 or 17:
from cellpose import denoise
dn = denoise.DenoiseModel(model_type="upsample_cyto3", gpu=True, chan2=True)
imgs_up = dn.eval(imgs, channels=[1,2], diameter=10.)
For more details refer to the API section.
The CellposeDenoiseModel
wraps the CellposeModel and DenoiseModel into one class to
ensure the channels and diameters are handled properly. See example:
from cellpose import denoise
model = denoise.CellposeDenoiseModel(gpu=True, model_type="cyto3",
restore_type="denoise_cyto3", chan2_restore=True)
masks, flows, styles, imgs_dn = model.eval(imgs, channels=[1,2], diameter=50.)
For more details refer to the API section.
Command line usage
These models can be used on the command line with model_type input using --restore_type
and add flag --chan2_restore
for restoring the optional nuclear channel, e.g.:
python -m cellpose --dir /path/to/images --model_type cyto3 --restore_type denoise_cyto3 --diameter 25 --chan2_restore --chan 2 --chan2 1
Training your own models
It is also possible to train your own models for image restoration using the
module. For example, to train a denoising (Poisson noise)
model with the cyto2 segmentation model with train_data and train_labels
(images and _flows.tif
from cellpose import denoise
model = denoise.DenoiseModel(gpu=True, nchan=1)
model_path = model.train(train_data, train_labels, test_data=None, test_labels=None,
save_path=save_path, iso=True,
blur=0., downsample=0., poisson=0.8,
n_epochs=2000, learning_rate=0.001,
This training can also be performed on the command line:
python cellpose/ --dir /path/to/images --noise_type poisson --seg_model_type cyto2 --diam_mean 30.