Source code for cellpose.utils

Copyright © 2023 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Authored by Carsen Stringer and Marius Pachitariu.
import logging
import os, tempfile, shutil, io
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
from urllib.request import urlopen
import cv2
from scipy.ndimage import find_objects, gaussian_filter, generate_binary_structure, label, maximum_filter1d, binary_fill_holes
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import numpy as np
import colorsys
import fastremap
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

from . import metrics

    from skimage.morphology import remove_small_holes

[docs]class TqdmToLogger(io.StringIO): """ Output stream for TQDM which will output to logger module instead of the StdOut. """ logger = None level = None buf = "" def __init__(self, logger, level=None): super(TqdmToLogger, self).__init__() self.logger = logger self.level = level or logging.INFO
[docs] def write(self, buf): self.buf = buf.strip("\r\n\t ")
[docs] def flush(self): self.logger.log(self.level, self.buf)
def rgb_to_hsv(arr): rgb_to_hsv_channels = np.vectorize(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv) r, g, b = np.rollaxis(arr, axis=-1) h, s, v = rgb_to_hsv_channels(r, g, b) hsv = np.stack((h, s, v), axis=-1) return hsv def hsv_to_rgb(arr): hsv_to_rgb_channels = np.vectorize(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb) h, s, v = np.rollaxis(arr, axis=-1) r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb_channels(h, s, v) rgb = np.stack((r, g, b), axis=-1) return rgb
[docs]def download_url_to_file(url, dst, progress=True): r"""Download object at the given URL to a local path. Thanks to torch, slightly modified Args: url (string): URL of the object to download dst (string): Full path where object will be saved, e.g. `/tmp/temporary_file` progress (bool, optional): whether or not to display a progress bar to stderr Default: True """ file_size = None import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context u = urlopen(url) meta = if hasattr(meta, "getheaders"): content_length = meta.getheaders("Content-Length") else: content_length = meta.get_all("Content-Length") if content_length is not None and len(content_length) > 0: file_size = int(content_length[0]) # We deliberately save it in a temp file and move it after dst = os.path.expanduser(dst) dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=dst_dir) try: with tqdm(total=file_size, disable=not progress, unit="B", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024) as pbar: while True: buffer = if len(buffer) == 0: break f.write(buffer) pbar.update(len(buffer)) f.close() shutil.move(, dst) finally: f.close() if os.path.exists( os.remove(
[docs]def distance_to_boundary(masks): """Get the distance to the boundary of mask pixels. Args: masks (int, 2D or 3D array): The masks array. Size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx], where 0 represents no mask and 1, 2, ... represent mask labels. Returns: dist_to_bound (2D or 3D array): The distance to the boundary. Size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx]. Raises: ValueError: If the masks array is not 2D or 3D. """ if masks.ndim > 3 or masks.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("distance_to_boundary takes 2D or 3D array, not %dD array" % masks.ndim) dist_to_bound = np.zeros(masks.shape, np.float64) if masks.ndim == 3: for i in range(masks.shape[0]): dist_to_bound[i] = distance_to_boundary(masks[i]) return dist_to_bound else: slices = find_objects(masks) for i, si in enumerate(slices): if si is not None: sr, sc = si mask = (masks[sr, sc] == (i + 1)).astype(np.uint8) contours = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) pvc, pvr = np.concatenate(contours[-2], axis=0).squeeze().T ypix, xpix = np.nonzero(mask) min_dist = ((ypix[:, np.newaxis] - pvr)**2 + (xpix[:, np.newaxis] - pvc)**2).min(axis=1) dist_to_bound[ypix + sr.start, xpix + sc.start] = min_dist return dist_to_bound
[docs]def masks_to_edges(masks, threshold=1.0): """Get edges of masks as a 0-1 array. Args: masks (int, 2D or 3D array): Size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx], where 0=NO masks and 1,2,...=mask labels. threshold (float, optional): Threshold value for distance to boundary. Defaults to 1.0. Returns: edges (2D or 3D array): Size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx], where True pixels are edge pixels. """ dist_to_bound = distance_to_boundary(masks) edges = (dist_to_bound < threshold) * (masks > 0) return edges
[docs]def remove_edge_masks(masks, change_index=True): """Removes masks with pixels on the edge of the image. Args: masks (int, 2D or 3D array): The masks to be processed. Size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx], where 0 represents no mask and 1, 2, ... represent mask labels. change_index (bool, optional): If True, after removing masks, changes the indexing so that there are no missing label numbers. Defaults to True. Returns: outlines (2D or 3D array): The processed masks. Size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx], where 0 represents no mask and 1, 2, ... represent mask labels. """ slices = find_objects(masks.astype(int)) for i, si in enumerate(slices): remove = False if si is not None: for d, sid in enumerate(si): if sid.start == 0 or sid.stop == masks.shape[d]: remove = True break if remove: masks[si][masks[si] == i + 1] = 0 shape = masks.shape if change_index: _, masks = np.unique(masks, return_inverse=True) masks = np.reshape(masks, shape).astype(np.int32) return masks
[docs]def masks_to_outlines(masks): """Get outlines of masks as a 0-1 array. Args: masks (int, 2D or 3D array): Size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx], where 0=NO masks and 1,2,...=mask labels. Returns: outlines (2D or 3D array): Size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx], where True pixels are outlines. """ if masks.ndim > 3 or masks.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("masks_to_outlines takes 2D or 3D array, not %dD array" % masks.ndim) outlines = np.zeros(masks.shape, bool) if masks.ndim == 3: for i in range(masks.shape[0]): outlines[i] = masks_to_outlines(masks[i]) return outlines else: slices = find_objects(masks.astype(int)) for i, si in enumerate(slices): if si is not None: sr, sc = si mask = (masks[sr, sc] == (i + 1)).astype(np.uint8) contours = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) pvc, pvr = np.concatenate(contours[-2], axis=0).squeeze().T vr, vc = pvr + sr.start, pvc + sc.start outlines[vr, vc] = 1 return outlines
[docs]def outlines_list(masks, multiprocessing_threshold=1000, multiprocessing=None): """Get outlines of masks as a list to loop over for plotting. Args: masks (ndarray): Array of masks. multiprocessing_threshold (int, optional): Threshold for enabling multiprocessing. Defaults to 1000. multiprocessing (bool, optional): Flag to enable multiprocessing. Defaults to None. Returns: list: List of outlines. Raises: None Notes: - This function is a wrapper for outlines_list_single and outlines_list_multi. - Multiprocessing is disabled for Windows. """ # default to use multiprocessing if not few_masks, but allow user to override if multiprocessing is None: few_masks = np.max(masks) < multiprocessing_threshold multiprocessing = not few_masks # disable multiprocessing for Windows if == "nt": if multiprocessing: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning( "Multiprocessing is disabled for Windows") multiprocessing = False if multiprocessing: return outlines_list_multi(masks) else: return outlines_list_single(masks)
[docs]def outlines_list_single(masks): """Get outlines of masks as a list to loop over for plotting. Args: masks (ndarray): masks (0=no cells, 1=first cell, 2=second cell,...) Returns: list: List of outlines as pixel coordinates. """ outpix = [] for n in np.unique(masks)[1:]: mn = masks == n if mn.sum() > 0: contours = cv2.findContours(mn.astype(np.uint8), mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) contours = contours[-2] cmax = np.argmax([c.shape[0] for c in contours]) pix = contours[cmax].astype(int).squeeze() if len(pix) > 4: outpix.append(pix) else: outpix.append(np.zeros((0, 2))) return outpix
[docs]def outlines_list_multi(masks, num_processes=None): """ Get outlines of masks as a list to loop over for plotting. Args: masks (ndarray): masks (0=no cells, 1=first cell, 2=second cell,...) Returns: list: List of outlines as pixel coordinates. """ if num_processes is None: num_processes = cpu_count() unique_masks = np.unique(masks)[1:] with Pool(processes=num_processes) as pool: outpix =, [(masks, n) for n in unique_masks]) return outpix
[docs]def get_outline_multi(args): """Get the outline of a specific mask in a multi-mask image. Args: args (tuple): A tuple containing the masks and the mask number. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The outline of the specified mask as an array of coordinates. """ masks, n = args mn = masks == n if mn.sum() > 0: contours = cv2.findContours(mn.astype(np.uint8), mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) contours = contours[-2] cmax = np.argmax([c.shape[0] for c in contours]) pix = contours[cmax].astype(int).squeeze() return pix if len(pix) > 4 else np.zeros((0, 2)) return np.zeros((0, 2))
[docs]def dilate_masks(masks, n_iter=5): """Dilate masks by n_iter pixels. Args: masks (ndarray): Array of masks. n_iter (int, optional): Number of pixels to dilate the masks. Defaults to 5. Returns: ndarray: Dilated masks. """ dilated_masks = masks.copy() for n in range(n_iter): # define the structuring element to use for dilation kernel = np.ones((3, 3), "uint8") # find the distance to each mask (distances are zero within masks) dist_transform = cv2.distanceTransform((dilated_masks == 0).astype("uint8"), cv2.DIST_L2, 5) # dilate each mask and assign to it the pixels along the border of the mask # (does not allow dilation into other masks since dist_transform is zero there) for i in range(1, np.max(masks) + 1): mask = (dilated_masks == i).astype("uint8") dilated_mask = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=1) dilated_mask = np.logical_and(dist_transform < 2, dilated_mask) dilated_masks[dilated_mask > 0] = i return dilated_masks
[docs]def get_perimeter(points): """ Calculate the perimeter of a set of points. Parameters: points (ndarray): An array of points with shape (npoints, ndim). Returns: float: The perimeter of the points. """ if points.shape[0] > 4: points = np.append(points, points[:1], axis=0) return ((np.diff(points, axis=0)**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5).sum() else: return 0
[docs]def get_mask_compactness(masks): """ Calculate the compactness of masks. Parameters: masks (ndarray): Binary masks representing objects. Returns: ndarray: Array of compactness values for each mask. """ perimeters = get_mask_perimeters(masks) npoints = np.unique(masks, return_counts=True)[1][1:] areas = npoints compactness = 4 * np.pi * areas / perimeters**2 compactness[perimeters == 0] = 0 compactness[compactness > 1.0] = 1.0 return compactness
[docs]def get_mask_perimeters(masks): """ Calculate the perimeters of the given masks. Parameters: masks (numpy.ndarray): Binary masks representing objects. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array containing the perimeters of each mask. """ perimeters = np.zeros(masks.max()) for n in range(masks.max()): mn = masks == (n + 1) if mn.sum() > 0: contours = cv2.findContours(mn.astype(np.uint8), mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2] perimeters[n] = np.array( [get_perimeter(c.astype(int).squeeze()) for c in contours]).sum() return perimeters
[docs]def circleMask(d0): """ Creates an array with indices which are the radius of that x,y point. Args: d0 (tuple): Patch of (-d0, d0+1) over which radius is computed. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: - rs (ndarray): Array of radii with shape (2*d0[0]+1, 2*d0[1]+1). - dx (ndarray): Indices of the patch along the x-axis. - dy (ndarray): Indices of the patch along the y-axis. """ dx = np.tile(np.arange(-d0[1], d0[1] + 1), (2 * d0[0] + 1, 1)) dy = np.tile(np.arange(-d0[0], d0[0] + 1), (2 * d0[1] + 1, 1)) dy = dy.transpose() rs = (dy**2 + dx**2)**0.5 return rs, dx, dy
[docs]def get_mask_stats(masks_true): """ Calculate various statistics for the given binary masks. Parameters: masks_true (ndarray): masks (0=no cells, 1=first cell, 2=second cell,...) Returns: convexity (ndarray): Convexity values for each mask. solidity (ndarray): Solidity values for each mask. compactness (ndarray): Compactness values for each mask. """ mask_perimeters = get_mask_perimeters(masks_true) # disk for compactness rs, dy, dx = circleMask(np.array([100, 100])) rsort = np.sort(rs.flatten()) # area for solidity npoints = np.unique(masks_true, return_counts=True)[1][1:] areas = npoints - mask_perimeters / 2 - 1 compactness = np.zeros(masks_true.max()) convexity = np.zeros(masks_true.max()) solidity = np.zeros(masks_true.max()) convex_perimeters = np.zeros(masks_true.max()) convex_areas = np.zeros(masks_true.max()) for ic in range(masks_true.max()): points = np.array(np.nonzero(masks_true == (ic + 1))).T if len(points) > 15 and mask_perimeters[ic] > 0: med = np.median(points, axis=0) # compute compactness of ROI r2 = ((points - med)**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5 compactness[ic] = (rsort[:r2.size].mean() + 1e-10) / r2.mean() try: hull = ConvexHull(points) convex_perimeters[ic] = hull.area convex_areas[ic] = hull.volume except: convex_perimeters[ic] = 0 convexity[mask_perimeters > 0.0] = (convex_perimeters[mask_perimeters > 0.0] / mask_perimeters[mask_perimeters > 0.0]) solidity[convex_areas > 0.0] = (areas[convex_areas > 0.0] / convex_areas[convex_areas > 0.0]) convexity = np.clip(convexity, 0.0, 1.0) solidity = np.clip(solidity, 0.0, 1.0) compactness = np.clip(compactness, 0.0, 1.0) return convexity, solidity, compactness
[docs]def get_masks_unet(output, cell_threshold=0, boundary_threshold=0): """Create masks using cell probability and cell boundary. Args: output (ndarray): The output array containing cell probability and cell boundary. cell_threshold (float, optional): The threshold value for cell probability. Defaults to 0. boundary_threshold (float, optional): The threshold value for cell boundary. Defaults to 0. Returns: ndarray: The masks representing the segmented cells. """ cells = (output[..., 1] - output[..., 0]) > cell_threshold selem = generate_binary_structure(cells.ndim, connectivity=1) labels, nlabels = label(cells, selem) if output.shape[-1] > 2: slices = find_objects(labels) dists = 10000 * np.ones(labels.shape, np.float32) mins = np.zeros(labels.shape, np.int32) borders = np.logical_and(~(labels > 0), output[..., 2] > boundary_threshold) pad = 10 for i, slc in enumerate(slices): if slc is not None: slc_pad = tuple([ slice(max(0, sli.start - pad), min(labels.shape[j], sli.stop + pad)) for j, sli in enumerate(slc) ]) msk = (labels[slc_pad] == (i + 1)).astype(np.float32) msk = 1 - gaussian_filter(msk, 5) dists[slc_pad] = np.minimum(dists[slc_pad], msk) mins[slc_pad][dists[slc_pad] == msk] = (i + 1) labels[labels == 0] = borders[labels == 0] * mins[labels == 0] masks = labels shape0 = masks.shape _, masks = np.unique(masks, return_inverse=True) masks = np.reshape(masks, shape0) return masks
[docs]def stitch3D(masks, stitch_threshold=0.25): """ Stitch 2D masks into a 3D volume using a stitch_threshold on IOU. Args: masks (list or ndarray): List of 2D masks. stitch_threshold (float, optional): Threshold value for stitching. Defaults to 0.25. Returns: list: List of stitched 3D masks. """ mmax = masks[0].max() empty = 0 for i in trange(len(masks) - 1): iou = metrics._intersection_over_union(masks[i + 1], masks[i])[1:, 1:] if not iou.size and empty == 0: masks[i + 1] = masks[i + 1] mmax = masks[i + 1].max() elif not iou.size and not empty == 0: icount = masks[i + 1].max() istitch = np.arange(mmax + 1, mmax + icount + 1, 1, int) mmax += icount istitch = np.append(np.array(0), istitch) masks[i + 1] = istitch[masks[i + 1]] else: iou[iou < stitch_threshold] = 0.0 iou[iou < iou.max(axis=0)] = 0.0 istitch = iou.argmax(axis=1) + 1 ino = np.nonzero(iou.max(axis=1) == 0.0)[0] istitch[ino] = np.arange(mmax + 1, mmax + len(ino) + 1, 1, int) mmax += len(ino) istitch = np.append(np.array(0), istitch) masks[i + 1] = istitch[masks[i + 1]] empty = 1 return masks
[docs]def diameters(masks): """ Calculate the diameters of the objects in the given masks. Parameters: masks (ndarray): masks (0=no cells, 1=first cell, 2=second cell,...) Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the median diameter and an array of diameters for each object. Examples: >>> masks = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]) >>> diameters(masks) (1.0, array([1.41421356, 1.0, 1.0])) """ uniq, counts = fastremap.unique(masks.astype("int32"), return_counts=True) counts = counts[1:] md = np.median(counts**0.5) if np.isnan(md): md = 0 md /= (np.pi**0.5) / 2 return md, counts**0.5
[docs]def radius_distribution(masks, bins): """ Calculate the radius distribution of masks. Args: masks (ndarray): masks (0=no cells, 1=first cell, 2=second cell,...) bins (int): Number of bins for the histogram. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: - nb (ndarray): Normalized histogram of radii. - md (float): Median radius. - radii (ndarray): Array of radii. """ unique, counts = np.unique(masks, return_counts=True) counts = counts[unique != 0] nb, _ = np.histogram((counts**0.5) * 0.5, bins) nb = nb.astype(np.float32) if nb.sum() > 0: nb = nb / nb.sum() md = np.median(counts**0.5) * 0.5 if np.isnan(md): md = 0 md /= (np.pi**0.5) / 2 return nb, md, (counts**0.5) / 2
[docs]def size_distribution(masks): """ Calculates the size distribution of masks. Args: masks (ndarray): masks (0=no cells, 1=first cell, 2=second cell,...) Returns: float: The ratio of the 25th percentile of mask sizes to the 75th percentile of mask sizes. """ counts = np.unique(masks, return_counts=True)[1][1:] return np.percentile(counts, 25) / np.percentile(counts, 75)
[docs]def fill_holes_and_remove_small_masks(masks, min_size=15): """ Fills holes in masks (2D/3D) and discards masks smaller than min_size. This function fills holes in each mask using scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes. It also removes masks that are smaller than the specified min_size. Parameters: masks (ndarray): Int, 2D or 3D array of labelled masks. 0 represents no mask, while positive integers represent mask labels. The size can be [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx]. min_size (int, optional): Minimum number of pixels per mask. Masks smaller than min_size will be removed. Set to -1 to turn off this functionality. Default is 15. Returns: ndarray: Int, 2D or 3D array of masks with holes filled and small masks removed. 0 represents no mask, while positive integers represent mask labels. The size is [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx]. """ if masks.ndim > 3 or masks.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("masks_to_outlines takes 2D or 3D array, not %dD array" % masks.ndim) slices = find_objects(masks) j = 0 for i, slc in enumerate(slices): if slc is not None: msk = masks[slc] == (i + 1) npix = msk.sum() if min_size > 0 and npix < min_size: masks[slc][msk] = 0 elif npix > 0: if msk.ndim == 3: for k in range(msk.shape[0]): msk[k] = binary_fill_holes(msk[k]) else: msk = binary_fill_holes(msk) masks[slc][msk] = (j + 1) j += 1 return masks