Source code for cellpose.transforms

import numpy as np
import warnings
import cv2

import logging
transforms_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from . import dynamics, utils
    import omnipose, edt, fastremap

def _taper_mask(ly=224, lx=224, sig=7.5):
    bsize = max(224, max(ly, lx))
    xm = np.arange(bsize)
    xm = np.abs(xm - xm.mean())
    mask = 1/(1 + np.exp((xm - (bsize/2-20)) / sig))
    mask = mask * mask[:, np.newaxis]
    mask = mask[bsize//2-ly//2 : bsize//2+ly//2+ly%2, 
                bsize//2-lx//2 : bsize//2+lx//2+lx%2]
    return mask

[docs]def unaugment_tiles(y, unet=False): """ reverse test-time augmentations for averaging Parameters ---------- y: float32 array that's ntiles_y x ntiles_x x chan x Ly x Lx where chan = (dY, dX, cell prob) unet: bool (optional, False) whether or not unet output or cellpose output Returns ------- y: float32 """ for j in range(y.shape[0]): for i in range(y.shape[1]): if j%2==0 and i%2==1: y[j,i] = y[j,i, :,::-1, :] if not unet: y[j,i,0] *= -1 elif j%2==1 and i%2==0: y[j,i] = y[j,i, :,:, ::-1] if not unet: y[j,i,1] *= -1 elif j%2==1 and i%2==1: y[j,i] = y[j,i, :,::-1, ::-1] if not unet: y[j,i,0] *= -1 y[j,i,1] *= -1 return y
[docs]def average_tiles(y, ysub, xsub, Ly, Lx): """ average results of network over tiles Parameters ------------- y: float, [ntiles x nclasses x bsize x bsize] output of cellpose network for each tile ysub : list list of arrays with start and end of tiles in Y of length ntiles xsub : list list of arrays with start and end of tiles in X of length ntiles Ly : int size of pre-tiled image in Y (may be larger than original image if image size is less than bsize) Lx : int size of pre-tiled image in X (may be larger than original image if image size is less than bsize) Returns ------------- yf: float32, [nclasses x Ly x Lx] network output averaged over tiles """ Navg = np.zeros((Ly,Lx)) yf = np.zeros((y.shape[1], Ly, Lx), np.float32) # taper edges of tiles mask = _taper_mask(ly=y.shape[-2], lx=y.shape[-1]) for j in range(len(ysub)): yf[:, ysub[j][0]:ysub[j][1], xsub[j][0]:xsub[j][1]] += y[j] * mask Navg[ysub[j][0]:ysub[j][1], xsub[j][0]:xsub[j][1]] += mask yf /= Navg return yf
[docs]def make_tiles(imgi, bsize=224, augment=False, tile_overlap=0.1): """ make tiles of image to run at test-time if augmented, tiles are flipped and tile_overlap=2. * original * flipped vertically * flipped horizontally * flipped vertically and horizontally Parameters ---------- imgi : float32 array that's nchan x Ly x Lx bsize : float (optional, default 224) size of tiles augment : bool (optional, default False) flip tiles and set tile_overlap=2. tile_overlap: float (optional, default 0.1) fraction of overlap of tiles Returns ------- IMG : float32 array that's ntiles x nchan x bsize x bsize ysub : list list of arrays with start and end of tiles in Y of length ntiles xsub : list list of arrays with start and end of tiles in X of length ntiles """ nchan, Ly, Lx = imgi.shape if augment: bsize = np.int32(bsize) # pad if image smaller than bsize if Ly<bsize: imgi = np.concatenate((imgi, np.zeros((nchan, bsize-Ly, Lx))), axis=1) Ly = bsize if Lx<bsize: imgi = np.concatenate((imgi, np.zeros((nchan, Ly, bsize-Lx))), axis=2) Ly, Lx = imgi.shape[-2:] # tiles overlap by half of tile size ny = max(2, int(np.ceil(2. * Ly / bsize))) nx = max(2, int(np.ceil(2. * Lx / bsize))) ystart = np.linspace(0, Ly-bsize, ny).astype(int) xstart = np.linspace(0, Lx-bsize, nx).astype(int) ysub = [] xsub = [] # flip tiles so that overlapping segments are processed in rotation IMG = np.zeros((len(ystart), len(xstart), nchan, bsize, bsize), np.float32) for j in range(len(ystart)): for i in range(len(xstart)): ysub.append([ystart[j], ystart[j]+bsize]) xsub.append([xstart[i], xstart[i]+bsize]) IMG[j, i] = imgi[:, ysub[-1][0]:ysub[-1][1], xsub[-1][0]:xsub[-1][1]] # flip tiles to allow for augmentation of overlapping segments if j%2==0 and i%2==1: IMG[j,i] = IMG[j,i, :,::-1, :] elif j%2==1 and i%2==0: IMG[j,i] = IMG[j,i, :,:, ::-1] elif j%2==1 and i%2==1: IMG[j,i] = IMG[j,i,:, ::-1, ::-1] else: tile_overlap = min(0.5, max(0.05, tile_overlap)) bsizeY, bsizeX = min(bsize, Ly), min(bsize, Lx) bsizeY = np.int32(bsizeY) bsizeX = np.int32(bsizeX) # tiles overlap by 10% tile size ny = 1 if Ly<=bsize else int(np.ceil((1.+2*tile_overlap) * Ly / bsize)) nx = 1 if Lx<=bsize else int(np.ceil((1.+2*tile_overlap) * Lx / bsize)) ystart = np.linspace(0, Ly-bsizeY, ny).astype(int) xstart = np.linspace(0, Lx-bsizeX, nx).astype(int) ysub = [] xsub = [] IMG = np.zeros((len(ystart), len(xstart), nchan, bsizeY, bsizeX), np.float32) for j in range(len(ystart)): for i in range(len(xstart)): ysub.append([ystart[j], ystart[j]+bsizeY]) xsub.append([xstart[i], xstart[i]+bsizeX]) IMG[j, i] = imgi[:, ysub[-1][0]:ysub[-1][1], xsub[-1][0]:xsub[-1][1]] return IMG, ysub, xsub, Ly, Lx
# needs to have a wider range to avoid weird effects with few cells in frame # also turns out previous formulation can give negative numbers, messes up log operations etc.
[docs]def normalize99(Y,lower=0.01,upper=99.99,omni=False): """ normalize image so 0.0 is 0.01st percentile and 1.0 is 99.99th percentile """ if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: X = omnipose.utils.normalize99(Y) else: X = Y.copy() x01 = np.percentile(X, 1) x99 = np.percentile(X, 99) X = (X - x01) / (x99 - x01) return X
[docs]def move_axis(img, m_axis=-1, first=True): """ move axis m_axis to first or last position """ if m_axis==-1: m_axis = img.ndim-1 m_axis = min(img.ndim-1, m_axis) axes = np.arange(0, img.ndim) if first: axes[1:m_axis+1] = axes[:m_axis] axes[0] = m_axis else: axes[m_axis:-1] = axes[m_axis+1:] axes[-1] = m_axis img = img.transpose(tuple(axes)) return img
# This was edited to fix a bug where single-channel images of shape (y,x) would be # transposed to (x,y) if x<y, making the labels no longer correspond to the data.
[docs]def move_min_dim(img, force=False): """ move minimum dimension last as channels if < 10, or force==True """ if len(img.shape) > 2: #only makese sense to do this if channel axis is already present min_dim = min(img.shape) if min_dim < 10 or force: if img.shape[-1]==min_dim: channel_axis = -1 else: channel_axis = (img.shape).index(min_dim) img = move_axis(img, m_axis=channel_axis, first=False) return img
def update_axis(m_axis, to_squeeze, ndim): if m_axis==-1: m_axis = ndim-1 if (to_squeeze==m_axis).sum() == 1: m_axis = None else: inds = np.ones(ndim, bool) inds[to_squeeze] = False m_axis = np.nonzero(np.arange(0, ndim)[inds]==m_axis)[0] if len(m_axis) > 0: m_axis = m_axis[0] else: m_axis = None return m_axis
[docs]def convert_image(x, channels, channel_axis=None, z_axis=None, do_3D=False, normalize=True, invert=False, nchan=2, omni=False): """ return image with z first, channels last and normalized intensities """ # squeeze image, and if channel_axis or z_axis given, transpose image if x.ndim > 3: to_squeeze = np.array([int(isq) for isq,s in enumerate(x.shape) if s==1]) # remove channel axis if number of channels is 1 if len(to_squeeze) > 0: channel_axis = update_axis(channel_axis, to_squeeze, x.ndim) if channel_axis is not None else channel_axis z_axis = update_axis(z_axis, to_squeeze, x.ndim) if z_axis is not None else z_axis x = x.squeeze() # put z axis first if z_axis is not None and x.ndim > 2: x = move_axis(x, m_axis=z_axis, first=True) if channel_axis is not None: channel_axis += 1 if x.ndim==3: x = x[...,np.newaxis] # put channel axis last if channel_axis is not None and x.ndim > 2: x = move_axis(x, m_axis=channel_axis, first=False) elif x.ndim == 2: x = x[:,:,np.newaxis] if do_3D : if x.ndim < 3: transforms_logger.critical('ERROR: cannot process 2D images in 3D mode') raise ValueError('ERROR: cannot process 2D images in 3D mode') elif x.ndim<4: x = x[...,np.newaxis] if channel_axis is None: x = move_min_dim(x) if x.ndim > 3:'multi-stack tiff read in as having %d planes %d channels'% (x.shape[0], x.shape[-1])) if channels is not None: channels = channels[0] if len(channels)==1 else channels if len(channels) < 2: transforms_logger.critical('ERROR: two channels not specified') raise ValueError('ERROR: two channels not specified') x = reshape(x, channels=channels) else: # code above put channels last if x.shape[-1] > nchan: transforms_logger.warning('WARNING: more than %d channels given, use "channels" input for specifying channels - just using first %d channels to run processing'%(nchan,nchan)) x = x[...,:nchan] if not do_3D and x.ndim>3: transforms_logger.critical('ERROR: cannot process 4D images in 2D mode') raise ValueError('ERROR: cannot process 4D images in 2D mode') if x.shape[-1] < nchan: x = np.concatenate((x, np.tile(np.zeros_like(x), (1,1,nchan-1))), axis=-1) if normalize or invert: x = normalize_img(x, invert=invert, omni=omni) return x
[docs]def reshape(data, channels=[0,0], chan_first=False): """ reshape data using channels Parameters ---------- data : numpy array that's (Z x ) Ly x Lx x nchan if data.ndim==8 and data.shape[0]<8, assumed to be nchan x Ly x Lx channels : list of int of length 2 (optional, default [0,0]) First element of list is the channel to segment (0=grayscale, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). Second element of list is the optional nuclear channel (0=none, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). For instance, to train on grayscale images, input [0,0]. To train on images with cells in green and nuclei in blue, input [2,3]. invert : bool invert intensities Returns ------- data : numpy array that's (Z x ) Ly x Lx x nchan (if chan_first==False) """ data = data.astype(np.float32) if data.ndim < 3: data = data[:,:,np.newaxis] elif data.shape[0]<8 and data.ndim==3: data = np.transpose(data, (1,2,0)) # use grayscale image if data.shape[-1]==1: data = np.concatenate((data, np.zeros_like(data)), axis=-1) else: if channels[0]==0: data = data.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) data = np.concatenate((data, np.zeros_like(data)), axis=-1) else: chanid = [channels[0]-1] if channels[1] > 0: chanid.append(channels[1]-1) data = data[...,chanid] for i in range(data.shape[-1]): if np.ptp(data[...,i]) == 0.0: if i==0: warnings.warn("chan to seg' has value range of ZERO") else: warnings.warn("'chan2 (opt)' has value range of ZERO, can instead set chan2 to 0") if data.shape[-1]==1: data = np.concatenate((data, np.zeros_like(data)), axis=-1) if chan_first: if data.ndim==4: data = np.transpose(data, (3,0,1,2)) else: data = np.transpose(data, (2,0,1)) return data
[docs]def normalize_img(img, axis=-1, invert=False, omni=False): """ normalize each channel of the image so that so that 0.0=1st percentile and 1.0=99th percentile of image intensities optional inversion Parameters ------------ img: ND-array (at least 3 dimensions) axis: channel axis to loop over for normalization Returns --------------- img: ND-array, float32 normalized image of same size """ if img.ndim<3: error_message = 'Image needs to have at least 3 dimensions' transforms_logger.critical(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message) img = img.astype(np.float32) img = np.moveaxis(img, axis, 0) for k in range(img.shape[0]): # ptp can still give nan's with weird images i99 = np.percentile(img[k],99) i1 = np.percentile(img[k],1) if i99 - i1 > +1e-3: #np.ptp(img[k]) > 1e-3: img[k] = normalize99(img[k],omni=omni) if invert: img[k] = -1*img[k] + 1 else: img[k] = 0 img = np.moveaxis(img, 0, axis) return img
[docs]def reshape_train_test(train_data, train_labels, test_data, test_labels, channels, normalize=True, omni=False): """ check sizes and reshape train and test data for training """ nimg = len(train_data) # check that arrays are correct size if nimg != len(train_labels): error_message = 'train data and labels not same length' transforms_logger.critical(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message) return if train_labels[0].ndim < 2 or train_data[0].ndim < 2: error_message = 'training data or labels are not at least two-dimensional' transforms_logger.critical(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message) return if train_data[0].ndim > 3: error_message = 'training data is more than three-dimensional (should be 2D or 3D array)' transforms_logger.critical(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message) return # check if test_data correct length if not (test_data is not None and test_labels is not None and len(test_data) > 0 and len(test_data)==len(test_labels)): test_data = None # make data correct shape and normalize it so that 0 and 1 are 1st and 99th percentile of data train_data, test_data, run_test = reshape_and_normalize_data(train_data, test_data=test_data, channels=channels, normalize=normalize, omni=omni) if train_data is None: error_message = 'training data do not all have the same number of channels' transforms_logger.critical(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message) return if not run_test: test_data, test_labels = None, None return train_data, train_labels, test_data, test_labels, run_test
[docs]def reshape_and_normalize_data(train_data, test_data=None, channels=None, normalize=True, omni=False): """ inputs converted to correct shapes for *training* and rescaled so that 0.0=1st percentile and 1.0=99th percentile of image intensities in each channel Parameters -------------- train_data: list of ND-arrays, float list of training images of size [Ly x Lx], [nchan x Ly x Lx], or [Ly x Lx x nchan] test_data: list of ND-arrays, float (optional, default None) list of testing images of size [Ly x Lx], [nchan x Ly x Lx], or [Ly x Lx x nchan] channels: list of int of length 2 (optional, default None) First element of list is the channel to segment (0=grayscale, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). Second element of list is the optional nuclear channel (0=none, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). For instance, to train on grayscale images, input [0,0]. To train on images with cells in green and nuclei in blue, input [2,3]. normalize: bool (optional, True) normalize data so 0.0=1st percentile and 1.0=99th percentile of image intensities in each channel Returns ------------- train_data: list of ND-arrays, float list of training images of size [2 x Ly x Lx] test_data: list of ND-arrays, float (optional, default None) list of testing images of size [2 x Ly x Lx] run_test: bool whether or not test_data was correct size and is useable during training """ # if training data is less than 2D run_test = False for test, data in enumerate([train_data, test_data]): if data is None: return train_data, test_data, run_test nimg = len(data) for i in range(nimg): data[i] = move_min_dim(data[i], force=True) if channels is not None: data[i] = reshape(data[i], channels=channels, chan_first=True) if data[i].ndim < 3: data[i] = data[i][np.newaxis,:,:] if normalize: data[i] = normalize_img(data[i], axis=0, omni=omni) nchan = [data[i].shape[0] for i in range(nimg)] run_test = True return train_data, test_data, run_test
[docs]def resize_image(img0, Ly=None, Lx=None, rsz=None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, no_channels=False): """ resize image for computing flows / unresize for computing dynamics Parameters ------------- img0: ND-array image of size [Y x X x nchan] or [Lz x Y x X x nchan] or [Lz x Y x X] Ly: int, optional Lx: int, optional rsz: float, optional resize coefficient(s) for image; if Ly is None then rsz is used interpolation: cv2 interp method (optional, default cv2.INTER_LINEAR) Returns -------------- imgs: ND-array image of size [Ly x Lx x nchan] or [Lz x Ly x Lx x nchan] """ if Ly is None and rsz is None: error_message = 'must give size to resize to or factor to use for resizing' transforms_logger.critical(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message) if Ly is None: # determine Ly and Lx using rsz if not isinstance(rsz, list) and not isinstance(rsz, np.ndarray): rsz = [rsz, rsz] if no_channels: Ly = int(img0.shape[-2] * rsz[-2]) Lx = int(img0.shape[-1] * rsz[-1]) else: Ly = int(img0.shape[-3] * rsz[-2]) Lx = int(img0.shape[-2] * rsz[-1]) # no_channels useful for z-stacks, sot he third dimension is not treated as a channel # but if this is called for grayscale images, they first become [Ly,Lx,2] so ndim=3 but if (img0.ndim>2 and no_channels) or (img0.ndim==4 and not no_channels): if no_channels: imgs = np.zeros((img0.shape[0], Ly, Lx), np.float32) else: imgs = np.zeros((img0.shape[0], Ly, Lx, img0.shape[-1]), np.float32) for i,img in enumerate(img0): imgs[i] = cv2.resize(img, (Lx, Ly), interpolation=interpolation) else: imgs = cv2.resize(img0, (Lx, Ly), interpolation=interpolation) return imgs
[docs]def pad_image_ND(img0, div=16, extra = 1): """ pad image for test-time so that its dimensions are a multiple of 16 (2D or 3D) Parameters ------------- img0: ND-array image of size [nchan (x Lz) x Ly x Lx] div: int (optional, default 16) Returns -------------- I: ND-array padded image ysub: array, int yrange of pixels in I corresponding to img0 xsub: array, int xrange of pixels in I corresponding to img0 """ Lpad = int(div * np.ceil(img0.shape[-2]/div) - img0.shape[-2]) xpad1 = extra*div//2 + Lpad//2 xpad2 = extra*div//2 + Lpad - Lpad//2 Lpad = int(div * np.ceil(img0.shape[-1]/div) - img0.shape[-1]) ypad1 = extra*div//2 + Lpad//2 ypad2 = extra*div//2+Lpad - Lpad//2 if img0.ndim>3: pads = np.array([[0,0], [0,0], [xpad1,xpad2], [ypad1, ypad2]]) else: pads = np.array([[0,0], [xpad1,xpad2], [ypad1, ypad2]]) I = np.pad(img0,pads, mode='constant') Ly, Lx = img0.shape[-2:] ysub = np.arange(xpad1, xpad1+Ly) xsub = np.arange(ypad1, ypad1+Lx) return I, ysub, xsub
[docs]def random_rotate_and_resize(X, Y=None, scale_range=1., gamma_range=0.5, xy = (224,224), do_flip=True, rescale=None, unet=False, inds=None, depth=0, omni=False): """ augmentation by random rotation and resizing X and Y are lists or arrays of length nimg, with dims channels x Ly x Lx (channels optional) Parameters ---------- X: LIST of ND-arrays, float list of image arrays of size [nchan x Ly x Lx] or [Ly x Lx] Y: LIST of ND-arrays, float (optional, default None) list of image labels of size [nlabels x Ly x Lx] or [Ly x Lx]. The 1st channel of Y is always nearest-neighbor interpolated (assumed to be masks or 0-1 representation). If Y.shape[0]==3 and not unet, then the labels are assumed to be [cell probability, Y flow, X flow]. If unet, second channel is dist_to_bound. scale_range: float (optional, default 1.0) Range of resizing of images for augmentation. Images are resized by (1-scale_range/2) + scale_range * np.random.rand() gamma_range: float (optional, default 0.5) Images are gamma-adjusted im**gamma for gamma in (1-gamma_range,1+gamma_range) xy: tuple, int (optional, default (224,224)) size of transformed images to return do_flip: bool (optional, default True) whether or not to flip images horizontally rescale: array, float (optional, default None) how much to resize images by before performing augmentations unet: bool (optional, default False) Returns ------- imgi: ND-array, float transformed images in array [nimg x nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] lbl: ND-array, float transformed labels in array [nimg x nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] scale: array, float amount each image was resized by """ scale_range = max(0, min(2, float(scale_range))) # limit overall range to [0,2] i.e. 1+-1 if inds is None: # only relevant when debugging nimg = len(X) inds = np.arange(nimg) if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: return omnipose.core.random_rotate_and_resize(X, Y=Y, scale_range=scale_range, gamma_range=gamma_range, xy=xy, do_flip=do_flip, rescale=rescale, inds=inds) else: # backwards compatibility; completely 'stock', no gamma augmentation or any other extra frills. # [Y[i][1:] for i in inds] is necessary because the original transform function does not use masks (entry 0). # This used to be done in the original function call. return original_random_rotate_and_resize(X, Y=[y[1:] for y in Y] if Y is not None else None, scale_range=scale_range, xy=xy, do_flip=do_flip, rescale=rescale, unet=unet)
# I have the omni flag here just in case, but it actually does not affect the tests def normalize_field(mu,omni=False): if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: mu = omnipose.utils.normalize_field(mu) else: mu /= (1e-20 + (mu**2).sum(axis=0)**0.5) return mu def _X2zoom(img, X2=1): """ zoom in image Parameters ---------- img : numpy array that's Ly x Lx Returns ------- img : numpy array that's Ly x Lx """ ny,nx = img.shape[:2] img = cv2.resize(img, (int(nx * (2**X2)), int(ny * (2**X2)))) return img def _image_resizer(img, resize=512, to_uint8=False): """ resize image Parameters ---------- img : numpy array that's Ly x Lx resize : int max size of image returned to_uint8 : bool convert image to uint8 Returns ------- img : numpy array that's Ly x Lx, Ly,Lx<resize """ ny,nx = img.shape[:2] if to_uint8: if img.max()<=255 and img.min()>=0 and img.max()>1: img = img.astype(np.uint8) else: img = img.astype(np.float32) img -= img.min() img /= img.max() img *= 255 img = img.astype(np.uint8) if np.array(img.shape).max() > resize: if ny>nx: nx = int(nx/ny * resize) ny = resize else: ny = int(ny/nx * resize) nx = resize shape = (nx,ny) img = cv2.resize(img, shape) img = img.astype(np.uint8) return img
[docs]def original_random_rotate_and_resize(X, Y=None, scale_range=1., xy = (224,224), do_flip=True, rescale=None, unet=False): """ augmentation by random rotation and resizing X and Y are lists or arrays of length nimg, with dims channels x Ly x Lx (channels optional) Parameters ---------- X: LIST of ND-arrays, float list of image arrays of size [nchan x Ly x Lx] or [Ly x Lx] Y: LIST of ND-arrays, float (optional, default None) list of image labels of size [nlabels x Ly x Lx] or [Ly x Lx]. The 1st channel of Y is always nearest-neighbor interpolated (assumed to be masks or 0-1 representation). If Y.shape[0]==3 and not unet, then the labels are assumed to be [cell probability, Y flow, X flow]. If unet, second channel is dist_to_bound. scale_range: float (optional, default 1.0) Range of resizing of images for augmentation. Images are resized by (1-scale_range/2) + scale_range * np.random.rand() xy: tuple, int (optional, default (224,224)) size of transformed images to return do_flip: bool (optional, default True) whether or not to flip images horizontally rescale: array, float (optional, default None) how much to resize images by before performing augmentations unet: bool (optional, default False) Returns ------- imgi: ND-array, float transformed images in array [nimg x nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] lbl: ND-array, float transformed labels in array [nimg x nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] scale: array, float amount each image was resized by """ scale_range = max(0, min(2, float(scale_range))) nimg = len(X) if X[0].ndim>2: nchan = X[0].shape[0] else: nchan = 1 imgi = np.zeros((nimg, nchan, xy[0], xy[1]), np.float32) lbl = [] if Y is not None: if Y[0].ndim>2: nt = Y[0].shape[0] else: nt = 1 lbl = np.zeros((nimg, nt, xy[0], xy[1]), np.float32) scale = np.zeros(nimg, np.float32) for n in range(nimg): Ly, Lx = X[n].shape[-2:] # generate random augmentation parameters flip = np.random.rand()>.5 theta = np.random.rand() * np.pi * 2 scale[n] = (1-scale_range/2) + scale_range * np.random.rand() if rescale is not None: scale[n] *= 1. / rescale[n] dxy = np.maximum(0, np.array([Lx*scale[n]-xy[1],Ly*scale[n]-xy[0]])) dxy = (np.random.rand(2,) - .5) * dxy # create affine transform cc = np.array([Lx/2, Ly/2]) cc1 = cc - np.array([Lx-xy[1], Ly-xy[0]])/2 + dxy pts1 = np.float32([cc,cc + np.array([1,0]), cc + np.array([0,1])]) pts2 = np.float32([cc1, cc1 + scale[n]*np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)]), cc1 + scale[n]*np.array([np.cos(np.pi/2+theta), np.sin(np.pi/2+theta)])]) M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1,pts2) img = X[n].copy() if Y is not None: labels = Y[n].copy() if labels.ndim<3: labels = labels[np.newaxis,:,:] if flip and do_flip: img = img[..., ::-1] if Y is not None: labels = labels[..., ::-1] if nt > 1 and not unet: labels[2] = -labels[2] for k in range(nchan): I = cv2.warpAffine(img[k], M, (xy[1],xy[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) imgi[n,k] = I if Y is not None: for k in range(nt): if k==0: lbl[n,k] = cv2.warpAffine(labels[k], M, (xy[1],xy[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) else: lbl[n,k] = cv2.warpAffine(labels[k], M, (xy[1],xy[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if nt > 1 and not unet: v1 = lbl[n,2].copy() v2 = lbl[n,1].copy() lbl[n,1] = (-v1 * np.sin(-theta) + v2*np.cos(-theta)) lbl[n,2] = (v1 * np.cos(-theta) + v2*np.sin(-theta)) return imgi, lbl, scale