Source code for cellpose.plot

import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from . import utils, io, transforms

    import matplotlib

    from skimage import color
    from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries

    from omnipose.utils import sinebow
    import ncolor

# modified to use sinebow color
[docs]def dx_to_circ(dP,transparency=False,mask=None): """ dP is 2 x Y x X => 'optic' flow representation Parameters ------------- dP: 2xLyxLx array Flow field components [dy,dx] transparency: bool, default False magnitude of flow controls opacity, not lightness (clear background) mask: 2D array Multiplies each RGB component to suppress noise """ dP = np.array(dP) mag = np.clip(transforms.normalize99(np.sqrt(np.sum(dP**2,axis=0))), 0, 1.) angles = np.arctan2(dP[1], dP[0])+np.pi a = 2 r = ((np.cos(angles)+1)/a) g = ((np.cos(angles+2*np.pi/3)+1)/a) b =((np.cos(angles+4*np.pi/3)+1)/a) if transparency: im = np.stack((r,g,b,mag),axis=-1) else: im = np.stack((r*mag,g*mag,b*mag),axis=-1) if mask is not None and transparency and dP.shape[0]<3: im[:,:,-1] *= mask im = (np.clip(im, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) return im
[docs]def show_segmentation(fig, img, maski, flowi, channels=[0,0], file_name=None, omni=False, seg_norm=False, bg_color=None): """ plot segmentation results (like on website) Can save each panel of figure with file_name option. Use channels option if img input is not an RGB image with 3 channels. Parameters ------------- fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure figure in which to make plot img: 2D or 3D array image input into cellpose maski: int, 2D array for image k, masks[k] output from Cellpose.eval, where 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels flowi: int, 2D array for image k, flows[k][0] output from Cellpose.eval (RGB of flows) channels: list of int (optional, default [0,0]) channels used to run Cellpose, no need to use if image is RGB file_name: str (optional, default None) file name of image, if file_name is not None, figure panels are saved omni: bool (optional, default False) use omni version of normalize99, image_to_rgb seg_norm: bool (optional, default False) improve cell visibility under labels bg_color: float (Optional, default none) background color to draw behind flow (visible if flow transparency is on) """ if not MATPLOTLIB_ENABLED: raise ImportError("matplotlib not installed, install with 'pip install matplotlib'") ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,1) img0 = img.copy() if img0.shape[0] < 4: img0 = np.transpose(img0, (1,2,0)) if img0.shape[-1] < 3 or img0.ndim < 3: img0 = image_to_rgb(img0, channels=channels, omni=omni) else: if img0.max()<=50.0: img0 = np.uint8(np.clip(img0*255, 0, 1)) ax.imshow(img0) ax.set_title('original image') ax.axis('off') outlines = utils.masks_to_outlines(maski) # Image normalization to improve cell visibility under labels if seg_norm: fg = 1/9 p = np.clip(transforms.normalize99(img0,omni=omni), 0, 1) img1 = p**(np.log(fg)/np.log(np.mean(p[maski>0]))) else: img1 = img0 # the mask_overlay function changes colors (preserves only hue I think). The label2rgb function from # skimage.color works really well. if omni and SKIMAGE_ENABLED and OMNI_INSTALLED: c = sinebow(5) colors = np.array(list(c.values()))[1:] overlay = color.label2rgb(ncolor.label(maski),img1,colors,bg_label=0,alpha=1/3) overlay = np.uint8(np.clip(overlay, 0, 1)*255) overlay[maski==0] = img1[maski==0] #restore original level to background regions else: overlay = mask_overlay(img0, maski) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,2) outX, outY = np.nonzero(outlines) imgout= img0.copy() imgout[outX, outY] = np.array([255,0,0]) # pure red ax.imshow(imgout) ax.set_title('predicted outlines') ax.axis('off') ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,3) ax.imshow(overlay) ax.set_title('predicted masks') ax.axis('off') ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,4) if bg_color is not None: ax.imshow(np.ones_like(flowi)*bg_color) ax.imshow(flowi) ax.set_title('predicted cell pose') ax.axis('off') if file_name is not None: save_path = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] io.imsave(save_path + '_overlay.jpg', overlay) io.imsave(save_path + '_outlines.jpg', imgout) io.imsave(save_path + '_flows.jpg', flowi)
[docs]def mask_rgb(masks, colors=None): """ masks in random rgb colors Parameters ---------------- masks: int, 2D array masks where 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels colors: int, 2D array (optional, default None) size [nmasks x 3], each entry is a color in 0-255 range Returns ---------------- RGB: uint8, 3D array array of masks overlaid on grayscale image """ if colors is not None: if colors.max()>1: colors = np.float32(colors) colors /= 255 colors = utils.rgb_to_hsv(colors) HSV = np.zeros((masks.shape[0], masks.shape[1], 3), np.float32) HSV[:,:,2] = 1.0 for n in range(int(masks.max())): ipix = (masks==n+1).nonzero() if colors is None: HSV[ipix[0],ipix[1],0] = np.random.rand() else: HSV[ipix[0],ipix[1],0] = colors[n,0] HSV[ipix[0],ipix[1],1] = np.random.rand()*0.5+0.5 HSV[ipix[0],ipix[1],2] = np.random.rand()*0.5+0.5 RGB = (utils.hsv_to_rgb(HSV) * 255).astype(np.uint8) return RGB
[docs]def mask_overlay(img, masks, colors=None, omni=False): """ overlay masks on image (set image to grayscale) Parameters ---------------- img: int or float, 2D or 3D array img is of size [Ly x Lx (x nchan)] masks: int, 2D array masks where 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels colors: int, 2D array (optional, default None) size [nmasks x 3], each entry is a color in 0-255 range Returns ---------------- RGB: uint8, 3D array array of masks overlaid on grayscale image """ if colors is not None: if colors.max()>1: colors = np.float32(colors) colors /= 255 colors = utils.rgb_to_hsv(colors) if img.ndim>2: img = img.astype(np.float32).mean(axis=-1) else: img = img.astype(np.float32) HSV = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3), np.float32) HSV[:,:,2] = np.clip((img / 255. if img.max() > 1 else img) * 1.5, 0, 1) hues = np.linspace(0, 1, masks.max()+1)[np.random.permutation(masks.max())] for n in range(int(masks.max())): ipix = (masks==n+1).nonzero() if colors is None: HSV[ipix[0],ipix[1],0] = hues[n] else: HSV[ipix[0],ipix[1],0] = colors[n,0] HSV[ipix[0],ipix[1],1] = 1.0 RGB = (utils.hsv_to_rgb(HSV) * 255).astype(np.uint8) return RGB
[docs]def image_to_rgb(img0, channels=[0,0], omni=False): """ image is 2 x Ly x Lx or Ly x Lx x 2 - change to RGB Ly x Lx x 3 """ img = img0.copy() img = img.astype(np.float32) if img.ndim<3: img = img[:,:,np.newaxis] if img.shape[0]<5: img = np.transpose(img, (1,2,0)) if channels[0]==0: img = img.mean(axis=-1)[:,:,np.newaxis] for i in range(img.shape[-1]): if np.ptp(img[:,:,i])>0: img[:,:,i] = np.clip(transforms.normalize99(img[:,:,i],omni=omni), 0, 1) img[:,:,i] = np.clip(img[:,:,i], 0, 1) img *= 255 img = np.uint8(img) RGB = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3), np.uint8) if img.shape[-1]==1: RGB = np.tile(img,(1,1,3)) else: RGB[:,:,channels[0]-1] = img[:,:,0] if channels[1] > 0: RGB[:,:,channels[1]-1] = img[:,:,1] return RGB
[docs]def interesting_patch(mask, bsize=130): """ get patch of size bsize x bsize with most masks """ Ly,Lx = mask.shape m = np.float32(mask>0) m = gaussian_filter(m, bsize/2) y,x = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(m), m.shape) ycent = max(bsize//2, min(y, Ly-bsize//2)) xcent = max(bsize//2, min(x, Lx-bsize//2)) patch = [np.arange(ycent-bsize//2, ycent+bsize//2, 1, int), np.arange(xcent-bsize//2, xcent+bsize//2, 1, int)] return patch
[docs]def disk(med, r, Ly, Lx): """ returns pixels of disk with radius r and center med """ yy, xx = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,Ly,1,int), np.arange(0,Lx,1,int), indexing='ij') inds = ((yy-med[0])**2 + (xx-med[1])**2)**0.5 <= r y = yy[inds].flatten() x = xx[inds].flatten() return y,x
[docs]def outline_view(img0,maski,color=[1,0,0], mode='inner'): """ Generates a red outline overlay onto image. """ # img0 = utils.rescale(img0) if len(img0.shape)<3: # img0 = image_to_rgb(img0) broken, transposing some images... img0 = np.stack([img0]*3,axis=-1) if SKIMAGE_ENABLED: outlines = find_boundaries(maski,mode=mode) #not using masks_to_outlines as that gives border 'outlines' else: outlines = utils.masks_to_outlines(maski,mode=mode) #not using masks_to_outlines as that gives border 'outlines' outY, outX = np.nonzero(outlines) imgout = img0.copy() # imgout[outY, outX] = np.array([255,0,0]) #pure red imgout[outY, outX] = np.array(color) return imgout