Source code for cellpose.metrics

import numpy as np
from . import utils, dynamics
from numba import jit
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from scipy.ndimage import convolve, mean

[docs]def mask_ious(masks_true, masks_pred): """ return best-matched masks """ iou = _intersection_over_union(masks_true, masks_pred)[1:,1:] n_min = min(iou.shape[0], iou.shape[1]) costs = -(iou >= 0.5).astype(float) - iou / (2*n_min) true_ind, pred_ind = linear_sum_assignment(costs) iout = np.zeros(masks_true.max()) iout[true_ind] = iou[true_ind,pred_ind] preds = np.zeros(masks_true.max(), 'int') preds[true_ind] = pred_ind+1 return iout, preds
[docs]def boundary_scores(masks_true, masks_pred, scales): """ boundary precision / recall / Fscore """ diams = [utils.diameters(lbl)[0] for lbl in masks_true] precision = np.zeros((len(scales), len(masks_true))) recall = np.zeros((len(scales), len(masks_true))) fscore = np.zeros((len(scales), len(masks_true))) for j, scale in enumerate(scales): for n in range(len(masks_true)): diam = max(1, scale * diams[n]) rs, ys, xs = utils.circleMask([int(np.ceil(diam)), int(np.ceil(diam))]) filt = (rs <= diam).astype(np.float32) otrue = utils.masks_to_outlines(masks_true[n]) otrue = convolve(otrue, filt) opred = utils.masks_to_outlines(masks_pred[n]) opred = convolve(opred, filt) tp = np.logical_and(otrue==1, opred==1).sum() fp = np.logical_and(otrue==0, opred==1).sum() fn = np.logical_and(otrue==1, opred==0).sum() precision[j,n] = tp / (tp + fp) recall[j,n] = tp / (tp + fn) fscore[j] = 2 * precision[j] * recall[j] / (precision[j] + recall[j]) return precision, recall, fscore
[docs]def aggregated_jaccard_index(masks_true, masks_pred): """ AJI = intersection of all matched masks / union of all masks Parameters ------------ masks_true: list of ND-arrays (int) or ND-array (int) where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels masks_pred: list of ND-arrays (int) or ND-array (int) ND-array (int) where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels Returns ------------ aji : aggregated jaccard index for each set of masks """ aji = np.zeros(len(masks_true)) for n in range(len(masks_true)): iout, preds = mask_ious(masks_true[n], masks_pred[n]) inds = np.arange(0, masks_true[n].max(), 1, int) overlap = _label_overlap(masks_true[n], masks_pred[n]) union = np.logical_or(masks_true[n]>0, masks_pred[n]>0).sum() overlap = overlap[inds[preds>0]+1, preds[preds>0].astype(int)] aji[n] = overlap.sum() / union return aji
[docs]def average_precision(masks_true, masks_pred, threshold=[0.5, 0.75, 0.9]): """ average precision estimation: AP = TP / (TP + FP + FN) This function is based heavily on the *fast* stardist matching functions ( Parameters ------------ masks_true: list of ND-arrays (int) or ND-array (int) where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels masks_pred: list of ND-arrays (int) or ND-array (int) ND-array (int) where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels Returns ------------ ap: array [len(masks_true) x len(threshold)] average precision at thresholds tp: array [len(masks_true) x len(threshold)] number of true positives at thresholds fp: array [len(masks_true) x len(threshold)] number of false positives at thresholds fn: array [len(masks_true) x len(threshold)] number of false negatives at thresholds """ not_list = False if not isinstance(masks_true, list): masks_true = [masks_true] masks_pred = [masks_pred] not_list = True if not isinstance(threshold, list) and not isinstance(threshold, np.ndarray): threshold = [threshold] ap = np.zeros((len(masks_true), len(threshold)), np.float32) tp = np.zeros((len(masks_true), len(threshold)), np.float32) fp = np.zeros((len(masks_true), len(threshold)), np.float32) fn = np.zeros((len(masks_true), len(threshold)), np.float32) n_true = np.array(list(map(np.max, masks_true))) n_pred = np.array(list(map(np.max, masks_pred))) # if len(n_pred) < 1: # n_pred = [0] for n in range(len(masks_true)): #_,mt = np.reshape(np.unique(masks_true[n], return_index=True), masks_pred[n].shape) if n_pred[n] > 0: iou = _intersection_over_union(masks_true[n], masks_pred[n])[1:, 1:] for k,th in enumerate(threshold): tp[n,k] = _true_positive(iou, th) fp[n] = n_pred[n] - tp[n] fn[n] = n_true[n] - tp[n] ap[n] = tp[n] / (tp[n] + fp[n] + fn[n]) # this is the jaccard index, not precision, right? if not_list: ap, tp, fp, fn = ap[0], tp[0], fp[0], fn[0] return ap, tp, fp, fn
@jit(nopython=True) def _label_overlap(x, y): """ fast function to get pixel overlaps between masks in x and y Parameters ------------ x: ND-array, int where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels y: ND-array, int where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels Returns ------------ overlap: ND-array, int matrix of pixel overlaps of size [x.max()+1, y.max()+1] """ # put label arrays into standard form then flatten them # x = (utils.format_labels(x)).ravel() # y = (utils.format_labels(y)).ravel() x = x.ravel() y = y.ravel() # preallocate a 'contact map' matrix overlap = np.zeros((1+x.max(),1+y.max()), dtype=np.uint) # loop over the labels in x and add to the corresponding # overlap entry. If label A in x and label B in y share P # pixels, then the resulting overlap is P # len(x)=len(y), the number of pixels in the whole image for i in range(len(x)): overlap[x[i],y[i]] += 1 return overlap def _intersection_over_union(masks_true, masks_pred): """ intersection over union of all mask pairs Parameters ------------ masks_true: ND-array, int ground truth masks, where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels masks_pred: ND-array, int predicted masks, where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels Returns ------------ iou: ND-array, float matrix of IOU pairs of size [x.max()+1, y.max()+1] ------------ How it works: The overlap matrix is a lookup table of the area of intersection between each set of labels (true and predicted). The true labels are taken to be along axis 0, and the predicted labels are taken to be along axis 1. The sum of the overlaps along axis 0 is thus an array giving the total overlap of the true labels with each of the predicted labels, and likewise the sum over axis 1 is the total overlap of the predicted labels with each of the true labels. Because the label 0 (background) is included, this sum is guaranteed to reconstruct the total area of each label. Adding this row and column vectors gives a 2D array with the areas of every label pair added together. This is equivalent to the union of the label areas except for the duplicated overlap area, so the overlap matrix is subtracted to find the union matrix. """ overlap = _label_overlap(masks_true, masks_pred) n_pixels_pred = np.sum(overlap, axis=0, keepdims=True) n_pixels_true = np.sum(overlap, axis=1, keepdims=True) iou = overlap / (n_pixels_pred + n_pixels_true - overlap) iou[np.isnan(iou)] = 0.0 return iou def _true_positive(iou, th): """ true positive at threshold th Parameters ------------ iou: float, ND-array array of IOU pairs th: float threshold on IOU for positive label Returns ------------ tp: float number of true positives at threshold ------------ How it works: (1) Find minimum number of masks (2) Define cost matrix; for a given threshold, each element is negative the higher the IoU is (perfect IoU is 1, worst is 0). The second term gets more negative with higher IoU, but less negative with greater n_min (but that's a constant...) (3) Solve the linear sum assignment problem. The costs array defines the cost of matching a true label with a predicted label, so the problem is to find the set of pairings that minimizes this cost. The scipy.optimize function gives the ordered lists of corresponding true and predicted labels. (4) Extract the IoUs fro these parings and then threshold to get a boolean array whose sum is the number of true positives that is returned. """ n_min = min(iou.shape[0], iou.shape[1]) costs = -(iou >= th).astype(float) - iou / (2*n_min) true_ind, pred_ind = linear_sum_assignment(costs) match_ok = iou[true_ind, pred_ind] >= th tp = match_ok.sum() return tp
[docs]def flow_error(maski, dP_net, use_gpu=False, device=None): """ error in flows from predicted masks vs flows predicted by network run on image This function serves to benchmark the quality of masks, it works as follows 1. The predicted masks are used to create a flow diagram 2. The mask-flows are compared to the flows that the network predicted If there is a discrepancy between the flows, it suggests that the mask is incorrect. Masks with flow_errors greater than 0.4 are discarded by default. Setting can be changed in Cellpose.eval or CellposeModel.eval. Parameters ------------ maski: ND-array (int) masks produced from running dynamics on dP_net, where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels dP_net: ND-array (float) ND flows where dP_net.shape[1:] = maski.shape Returns ------------ flow_errors: float array with length maski.max() mean squared error between predicted flows and flows from masks dP_masks: ND-array (float) ND flows produced from the predicted masks """ if dP_net.shape[1:] != maski.shape: print('ERROR: net flow is not same size as predicted masks') return # flows predicted from estimated masks dP_masks = dynamics.masks_to_flows(maski, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device) # difference between predicted flows vs mask flows flow_errors=np.zeros(maski.max()) for i in range(dP_masks.shape[0]): flow_errors += mean((dP_masks[i] - dP_net[i]/5.)**2, maski, index=np.arange(1, maski.max()+1)) return flow_errors, dP_masks