Source code for cellpose.dynamics

import time, os
from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d
import torch
import scipy.ndimage
import numpy as np
import tifffile
from tqdm import trange
from numba import njit, float32, int32, vectorize
import cv2
import fastremap

import logging
dynamics_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from . import utils, metrics, transforms
from .io import OMNI_INSTALLED

    import torch
    from torch import optim, nn
    from . import resnet_torch
    torch_GPU = torch.device('cuda')
    torch_CPU = torch.device('cpu')

    from skimage import filters

@njit('(float64[:], int32[:], int32[:], int32, int32, int32, int32)', nogil=True)
def _extend_centers(T,y,x,ymed,xmed,Lx, niter):
    """ run diffusion from center of mask (ymed, xmed) on mask pixels (y, x)
    T: float64, array
        _ x Lx array that diffusion is run in
    y: int32, array
        pixels in y inside mask
    x: int32, array
        pixels in x inside mask
    ymed: int32
        center of mask in y
    xmed: int32
        center of mask in x
    Lx: int32
        size of x-dimension of masks
    niter: int32
        number of iterations to run diffusion
    T: float64, array
        amount of diffused particles at each pixel

    for t in range(niter):
        T[ymed*Lx + xmed] += 1
        T[y*Lx + x] = 1/9. * (T[y*Lx + x] + T[(y-1)*Lx + x]   + T[(y+1)*Lx + x] +
                                            T[y*Lx + x-1]     + T[y*Lx + x+1] +
                                            T[(y-1)*Lx + x-1] + T[(y-1)*Lx + x+1] +
                                            T[(y+1)*Lx + x-1] + T[(y+1)*Lx + x+1])
    return T

def _extend_centers_gpu(neighbors, centers, isneighbor, Ly, Lx, n_iter=200, device=torch.device('cuda')):
    """ runs diffusion on GPU to generate flows for training images or quality control
    neighbors is 9 x pixels in masks, 
    centers are mask centers, 
    isneighbor is valid neighbor boolean 9 x pixels
    if device is not None:
        device = device
    nimg = neighbors.shape[0] // 9
    pt = torch.from_numpy(neighbors).to(device)
    T = torch.zeros((nimg,Ly,Lx), dtype=torch.double, device=device)
    meds = torch.from_numpy(centers.astype(int)).to(device).long()
    isneigh = torch.from_numpy(isneighbor).to(device)
    for i in range(n_iter):
        T[:, meds[:,0], meds[:,1]] +=1
        Tneigh = T[:, pt[:,:,0], pt[:,:,1]]
        Tneigh *= isneigh
        T[:, pt[0,:,0], pt[0,:,1]] = Tneigh.mean(axis=1)
    T = torch.log(1.+ T)
    # gradient positions
    grads = T[:, pt[[2,1,4,3],:,0], pt[[2,1,4,3],:,1]]
    dy = grads[:,0] - grads[:,1]
    dx = grads[:,2] - grads[:,3]

    mu_torch = np.stack((dy.cpu().squeeze(), dx.cpu().squeeze()), axis=-2)
    return mu_torch

[docs]def masks_to_flows_gpu(masks, device=None): """ convert masks to flows using diffusion from center pixel Center of masks where diffusion starts is defined using COM Parameters ------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array labelled masks 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels Returns ------------- mu: float, 3D or 4D array flows in Y = mu[-2], flows in X = mu[-1]. if masks are 3D, flows in Z = mu[0]. mu_c: float, 2D or 3D array for each pixel, the distance to the center of the mask in which it resides """ if device is None: device = torch.device('cuda') Ly0,Lx0 = masks.shape Ly, Lx = Ly0+2, Lx0+2 masks_padded = np.zeros((Ly, Lx), np.int64) masks_padded[1:-1, 1:-1] = masks # get mask pixel neighbors y, x = np.nonzero(masks_padded) neighborsY = np.stack((y, y-1, y+1, y, y, y-1, y-1, y+1, y+1), axis=0) neighborsX = np.stack((x, x, x, x-1, x+1, x-1, x+1, x-1, x+1), axis=0) neighbors = np.stack((neighborsY, neighborsX), axis=-1) # get mask centers slices = scipy.ndimage.find_objects(masks) centers = np.zeros((masks.max(), 2), 'int') for i,si in enumerate(slices): if si is not None: sr,sc = si ly, lx = sr.stop - sr.start + 1, sc.stop - sc.start + 1 yi,xi = np.nonzero(masks[sr, sc] == (i+1)) yi = yi.astype(np.int32) + 1 # add padding xi = xi.astype(np.int32) + 1 # add padding ymed = np.median(yi) xmed = np.median(xi) imin = np.argmin((xi-xmed)**2 + (yi-ymed)**2) xmed = xi[imin] ymed = yi[imin] centers[i,0] = ymed + sr.start centers[i,1] = xmed + sc.start # get neighbor validator (not all neighbors are in same mask) neighbor_masks = masks_padded[neighbors[:,:,0], neighbors[:,:,1]] isneighbor = neighbor_masks == neighbor_masks[0] ext = np.array([[sr.stop - sr.start + 1, sc.stop - sc.start + 1] for sr, sc in slices]) n_iter = 2 * (ext.sum(axis=1)).max() # run diffusion mu = _extend_centers_gpu(neighbors, centers, isneighbor, Ly, Lx, n_iter=n_iter, device=device) # normalize mu /= (1e-20 + (mu**2).sum(axis=0)**0.5) # put into original image mu0 = np.zeros((2, Ly0, Lx0)) mu0[:, y-1, x-1] = mu mu_c = np.zeros_like(mu0) return mu0, mu_c
[docs]def masks_to_flows_cpu(masks, device=None): """ convert masks to flows using diffusion from center pixel Center of masks where diffusion starts is defined to be the closest pixel to the median of all pixels that is inside the mask. Result of diffusion is converted into flows by computing the gradients of the diffusion density map. Parameters ------------- masks: int, 2D array labelled masks 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels Returns ------------- mu: float, 3D array flows in Y = mu[-2], flows in X = mu[-1]. if masks are 3D, flows in Z = mu[0]. mu_c: float, 2D array for each pixel, the distance to the center of the mask in which it resides """ Ly, Lx = masks.shape mu = np.zeros((2, Ly, Lx), np.float64) mu_c = np.zeros((Ly, Lx), np.float64) nmask = masks.max() slices = scipy.ndimage.find_objects(masks) dia = utils.diameters(masks)[0] s2 = (.15 * dia)**2 for i,si in enumerate(slices): if si is not None: sr,sc = si ly, lx = sr.stop - sr.start + 1, sc.stop - sc.start + 1 y,x = np.nonzero(masks[sr, sc] == (i+1)) y = y.astype(np.int32) + 1 x = x.astype(np.int32) + 1 ymed = np.median(y) xmed = np.median(x) imin = np.argmin((x-xmed)**2 + (y-ymed)**2) xmed = x[imin] ymed = y[imin] d2 = (x-xmed)**2 + (y-ymed)**2 mu_c[sr.start+y-1, sc.start+x-1] = np.exp(-d2/s2) niter = 2*np.int32(np.ptp(x) + np.ptp(y)) T = np.zeros((ly+2)*(lx+2), np.float64) T = _extend_centers(T, y, x, ymed, xmed, np.int32(lx), np.int32(niter)) T[(y+1)*lx + x+1] = np.log(1.+T[(y+1)*lx + x+1]) dy = T[(y+1)*lx + x] - T[(y-1)*lx + x] dx = T[y*lx + x+1] - T[y*lx + x-1] mu[:, sr.start+y-1, sc.start+x-1] = np.stack((dy,dx)) mu /= (1e-20 + (mu**2).sum(axis=0)**0.5) return mu, mu_c
[docs]def masks_to_flows(masks, use_gpu=False, device=None): """ convert masks to flows using diffusion from center pixel Center of masks where diffusion starts is defined to be the closest pixel to the median of all pixels that is inside the mask. Result of diffusion is converted into flows by computing the gradients of the diffusion density map. Parameters ------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array labelled masks 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels Returns ------------- mu: float, 3D or 4D array flows in Y = mu[-2], flows in X = mu[-1]. if masks are 3D, flows in Z = mu[0]. mu_c: float, 2D or 3D array for each pixel, the distance to the center of the mask in which it resides """ if masks.max() == 0: dynamics_logger.warning('empty masks!') return np.zeros((2, *masks.shape), 'float32') if TORCH_ENABLED and use_gpu: if use_gpu and device is None: device = torch_GPU elif device is None: device = torch_CPU masks_to_flows_device = masks_to_flows_gpu else: masks_to_flows_device = masks_to_flows_cpu if masks.ndim==3: Lz, Ly, Lx = masks.shape mu = np.zeros((3, Lz, Ly, Lx), np.float32) for z in range(Lz): mu0 = masks_to_flows_device(masks[z], device=device)[0] mu[[1,2], z] += mu0 for y in range(Ly): mu0 = masks_to_flows_device(masks[:,y], device=device)[0] mu[[0,2], :, y] += mu0 for x in range(Lx): mu0 = masks_to_flows_device(masks[:,:,x], device=device)[0] mu[[0,1], :, :, x] += mu0 return mu elif masks.ndim==2: mu, mu_c = masks_to_flows_device(masks, device=device) return mu else: raise ValueError('masks_to_flows only takes 2D or 3D arrays')
# It is possible that flows can be eliminated in place of the distance field. The current distance field may not be smooth # enough, or maybe the network really does require the flow field prediction to work well. But in 3D, it will be a huge # advantage if the network could predict just the distance (and boudnary) classes and not 3 extra flow components.
[docs]def labels_to_flows(labels, files=None, use_gpu=False, device=None, redo_flows=False): """ convert labels (list of masks or flows) to flows for training model if files is not None, flows are saved to files to be reused Parameters -------------- labels: list of ND-arrays labels[k] can be 2D or 3D, if [3 x Ly x Lx] then it is assumed that flows were precomputed. Otherwise labels[k][0] or labels[k] (if 2D) is used to create flows and cell probabilities. Returns -------------- flows: list of [4 x Ly x Lx] arrays flows[k][0] is labels[k], flows[k][1] is cell distance transform, flows[k][2] is Y flow, flows[k][3] is X flow, and flows[k][4] is heat distribution """ nimg = len(labels) if labels[0].ndim < 3: labels = [labels[n][np.newaxis,:,:] for n in range(nimg)] if labels[0].shape[0] == 1 or labels[0].ndim < 3 or redo_flows: # flows need to be recomputed'computing flows for labels') # compute flows; labels are fixed here to be unique, so they need to be passed back # make sure labels are unique! labels = [fastremap.renumber(label, in_place=True)[0] for label in labels] veci = [masks_to_flows(labels[n][0],use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device) for n in trange(nimg)] # concatenate labels, distance transform, vector flows, heat (boundary and mask are computed in augmentations) flows = [np.concatenate((labels[n], labels[n]>0.5, veci[n]), axis=0).astype(np.float32) for n in range(nimg)] if files is not None: for flow, file in zip(flows, files): file_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] tifffile.imsave(file_name+'_flows.tif', flow) else:'flows precomputed') flows = [labels[n].astype(np.float32) for n in range(nimg)] return flows
[docs]@njit(['(int16[:,:,:], float32[:], float32[:], float32[:,:])', '(float32[:,:,:], float32[:], float32[:], float32[:,:])'], cache=True) def map_coordinates(I, yc, xc, Y): """ bilinear interpolation of image 'I' in-place with ycoordinates yc and xcoordinates xc to Y Parameters ------------- I : C x Ly x Lx yc : ni new y coordinates xc : ni new x coordinates Y : C x ni I sampled at (yc,xc) """ C,Ly,Lx = I.shape yc_floor = yc.astype(np.int32) xc_floor = xc.astype(np.int32) yc = yc - yc_floor xc = xc - xc_floor for i in range(yc_floor.shape[0]): yf = min(Ly-1, max(0, yc_floor[i])) xf = min(Lx-1, max(0, xc_floor[i])) yf1= min(Ly-1, yf+1) xf1= min(Lx-1, xf+1) y = yc[i] x = xc[i] for c in range(C): Y[c,i] = (np.float32(I[c, yf, xf]) * (1 - y) * (1 - x) + np.float32(I[c, yf, xf1]) * (1 - y) * x + np.float32(I[c, yf1, xf]) * y * (1 - x) + np.float32(I[c, yf1, xf1]) * y * x )
[docs]@njit() def step_factor(t): """ Euler integration suppression factor.""" return (1+t)
def steps2D_interp(p, dP, niter, use_gpu=False, device=None, omni=False, calc_trace=False): shape = dP.shape[1:] if use_gpu and TORCH_ENABLED: if device is None: device = torch_GPU shape = np.array(shape)[[1,0]].astype('double')-1 # Y and X dimensions (dP is 2.Ly.Lx), flipped X-1, Y-1 pt = torch.from_numpy(p[[1,0]].T).double().to(device).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) # p is n_points by 2, so pt is [1 1 2 n_points] im = torch.from_numpy(dP[[1,0]]).double().to(device).unsqueeze(0) #covert flow numpy array to tensor on GPU, add dimension # normalize pt between 0 and 1, normalize the flow for k in range(2): im[:,k,:,:] *= 2./shape[k] pt[:,:,:,k] /= shape[k] # normalize to between -1 and 1 pt = pt*2-1 # make an array to track the trajectories if calc_trace: trace = torch.clone(pt).detach() #here is where the stepping happens for t in range(niter): if calc_trace: trace =,pt)) # align_corners default is False, just added to suppress warning dPt = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(im, pt, align_corners=False) if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: dPt /= step_factor(t) for k in range(2): #clamp the final pixel locations pt[:,:,:,k] = torch.clamp(pt[:,:,:,k] + dPt[:,k,:,:], -1., 1.) #undo the normalization from before, reverse order of operations pt = (pt+1)*0.5 for k in range(2): pt[:,:,:,k] *= shape[k] if calc_trace: trace = (trace+1)*0.5 for k in range(2): trace[:,:,:,k] *= shape[k] #pass back to cpu if calc_trace: tr = trace[:,:,:,[1,0]].cpu().numpy().squeeze().T else: tr = None p = pt[:,:,:,[1,0]].cpu().numpy().squeeze().T return p, tr else: dPt = np.zeros(p.shape, np.float32) if calc_trace: tr = np.zeros((p.shape[0],p.shape[1],niter)) else: tr = None for t in range(niter): if calc_trace: tr[:,:,t] = p.copy() map_coordinates(dP.astype(np.float32), p[0], p[1], dPt) if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: dPt /= step_factor(t) for k in range(len(p)): p[k] = np.minimum(shape[k]-1, np.maximum(0, p[k] + dPt[k])) return p, tr
[docs]@njit('(float32[:,:,:,:],float32[:,:,:,:], int32[:,:], int32)', nogil=True) def steps3D(p, dP, inds, niter): """ run dynamics of pixels to recover masks in 3D Euler integration of dynamics dP for niter steps Parameters ---------------- p: float32, 4D array pixel locations [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx] (start at initial meshgrid) dP: float32, 4D array flows [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx] inds: int32, 2D array non-zero pixels to run dynamics on [npixels x 3] niter: int32 number of iterations of dynamics to run Returns --------------- p: float32, 4D array final locations of each pixel after dynamics """ shape = p.shape[1:] for t in range(niter): #pi = p.astype(np.int32) for j in range(inds.shape[0]): z = inds[j,0] y = inds[j,1] x = inds[j,2] p0, p1, p2 = int(p[0,z,y,x]), int(p[1,z,y,x]), int(p[2,z,y,x]) p[0,z,y,x] = min(shape[0]-1, max(0, p[0,z,y,x] + dP[0,p0,p1,p2])) p[1,z,y,x] = min(shape[1]-1, max(0, p[1,z,y,x] + dP[1,p0,p1,p2])) p[2,z,y,x] = min(shape[2]-1, max(0, p[2,z,y,x] + dP[2,p0,p1,p2])) return p, None
[docs]@njit('(float32[:,:,:], float32[:,:,:], int32[:,:], int32, boolean, boolean)', nogil=True) def steps2D(p, dP, inds, niter, omni=False, calc_trace=False): """ run dynamics of pixels to recover masks in 2D Euler integration of dynamics dP for niter steps Parameters ---------------- p: float32, 3D array pixel locations [axis x Ly x Lx] (start at initial meshgrid) dP: float32, 3D array flows [axis x Ly x Lx] inds: int32, 2D array non-zero pixels to run dynamics on [npixels x 2] niter: int32 number of iterations of dynamics to run Returns --------------- p: float32, 3D array final locations of each pixel after dynamics """ shape = p.shape[1:] if calc_trace: Ly = shape[0] Lx = shape[1] tr = np.zeros((niter,2,Ly,Lx)) for t in range(niter): for j in range(inds.shape[0]): if calc_trace: tr[t] = p.copy() # starting coordinates y = inds[j,0] x = inds[j,1] p0, p1 = int(p[0,y,x]), int(p[1,y,x]) step = dP[:,p0,p1] if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: step /= step_factor(t) for k in range(p.shape[0]): p[k,y,x] = min(shape[k]-1, max(0, p[k,y,x] + step[k])) return p, tr
[docs]def follow_flows(dP, mask=None, inds=None, niter=200, interp=True, use_gpu=True, device=None, omni=False, calc_trace=False): """ define pixels and run dynamics to recover masks in 2D Pixels are meshgrid. Only pixels with non-zero cell-probability are used (as defined by inds) Parameters ---------------- dP: float32, 3D or 4D array flows [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx] mask: (optional, default None) pixel mask to seed masks. Useful when flows have low magnitudes. niter: int (optional, default 200) number of iterations of dynamics to run interp: bool (optional, default True) interpolate during 2D dynamics (not available in 3D) (in previous versions + paper it was False) use_gpu: bool (optional, default False) use GPU to run interpolated dynamics (faster than CPU) Returns --------------- p: float32, 3D array final locations of each pixel after dynamics """ shape = np.array(dP.shape[1:]).astype(np.int32) niter = np.uint32(niter) if len(shape)>2: p = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[2]), indexing='ij') p = np.array(p).astype(np.float32) # run dynamics on subset of pixels #inds = np.array(np.nonzero(dP[0]!=0)).astype(np.int32).T inds = np.array(np.nonzero(np.abs(dP[0])>1e-3)).astype(np.int32).T p, tr = steps3D(p, dP, inds, niter) else: p = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[1]), indexing='ij') # not sure why, but I had changed this to float64 at some point... tests showed that map_coordinates expects float32 # possible issues elsewhere? p = np.array(p).astype(np.float32) # added inds for debugging while preserving backwards compatibility if inds is None: if omni and (mask is not None): inds = np.array(np.nonzero(np.logical_or(mask,np.abs(dP[0])>1e-3))).astype(np.int32).T else: inds = np.array(np.nonzero(np.abs(dP[0])>1e-3)).astype(np.int32).T if inds.ndim < 2 or inds.shape[0] < 5: dynamics_logger.warning('WARNING: no mask pixels found') return p, inds, None if not interp: p, tr = steps2D(p, dP.astype(np.float32), inds, niter,omni=omni,calc_trace=calc_trace) #p = p[:,inds[:,0], inds[:,1]] #tr = tr[:,:,inds[:,0], inds[:,1]].transpose((1,2,0)) else: p_interp, tr = steps2D_interp(p[:,inds[:,0], inds[:,1]], dP, niter, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device, omni=omni, calc_trace=calc_trace) p[:,inds[:,0],inds[:,1]] = p_interp return p, inds, tr
[docs]def remove_bad_flow_masks(masks, flows, threshold=0.4, use_gpu=False, device=None): """ remove masks which have inconsistent flows Uses metrics.flow_error to compute flows from predicted masks and compare flows to predicted flows from network. Discards masks with flow errors greater than the threshold. Parameters ---------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array labelled masks, 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels, size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx] flows: float, 3D or 4D array flows [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx] threshold: float (optional, default 0.4) masks with flow error greater than threshold are discarded. Returns --------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array masks with inconsistent flow masks removed, 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels, size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx] """ merrors, _ = metrics.flow_error(masks, flows, use_gpu, device) badi = 1+(merrors>threshold).nonzero()[0] masks[np.isin(masks, badi)] = 0 return masks
[docs]def get_masks(p, iscell=None, rpad=20, flows=None, threshold=0.4, use_gpu=False, device=None): """ create masks using pixel convergence after running dynamics Makes a histogram of final pixel locations p, initializes masks at peaks of histogram and extends the masks from the peaks so that they include all pixels with more than 2 final pixels p. Discards masks with flow errors greater than the threshold. Parameters ---------------- p: float32, 3D or 4D array final locations of each pixel after dynamics, size [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx]. iscell: bool, 2D or 3D array if iscell is not None, set pixels that are iscell False to stay in their original location. rpad: int (optional, default 20) histogram edge padding threshold: float (optional, default 0.4) masks with flow error greater than threshold are discarded (if flows is not None) flows: float, 3D or 4D array (optional, default None) flows [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx]. If flows is not None, then masks with inconsistent flows are removed using `remove_bad_flow_masks`. Returns --------------- M0: int, 2D or 3D array masks with inconsistent flow masks removed, 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels, size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx] """ pflows = [] edges = [] shape0 = p.shape[1:] dims = len(p) if iscell is not None: if dims==3: inds = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape0[0]), np.arange(shape0[1]), np.arange(shape0[2]), indexing='ij') elif dims==2: inds = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape0[0]), np.arange(shape0[1]), indexing='ij') for i in range(dims): p[i, ~iscell] = inds[i][~iscell] for i in range(dims): pflows.append(p[i].flatten().astype('int32')) edges.append(np.arange(-.5-rpad, shape0[i]+.5+rpad, 1)) h,_ = np.histogramdd(tuple(pflows), bins=edges) hmax = h.copy() for i in range(dims): hmax = maximum_filter1d(hmax, 5, axis=i) seeds = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(h-hmax>-1e-6, h>10)) Nmax = h[seeds] isort = np.argsort(Nmax)[::-1] for s in seeds: s = s[isort] pix = list(np.array(seeds).T) shape = h.shape if dims==3: expand = np.nonzero(np.ones((3,3,3))) else: expand = np.nonzero(np.ones((3,3))) for e in expand: e = np.expand_dims(e,1) for iter in range(5): for k in range(len(pix)): if iter==0: pix[k] = list(pix[k]) newpix = [] iin = [] for i,e in enumerate(expand): epix = e[:,np.newaxis] + np.expand_dims(pix[k][i], 0) - 1 epix = epix.flatten() iin.append(np.logical_and(epix>=0, epix<shape[i])) newpix.append(epix) iin = np.all(tuple(iin), axis=0) for p in newpix: p = p[iin] newpix = tuple(newpix) igood = h[newpix]>2 for i in range(dims): pix[k][i] = newpix[i][igood] if iter==4: pix[k] = tuple(pix[k]) M = np.zeros(h.shape, np.uint32) for k in range(len(pix)): M[pix[k]] = 1+k for i in range(dims): pflows[i] = pflows[i] + rpad M0 = M[tuple(pflows)] # remove big masks uniq, counts = fastremap.unique(M0, return_counts=True) big = * 0.4 bigc = uniq[counts > big] if len(bigc) > 0 and (len(bigc)>1 or bigc[0]!=0): M0 = fastremap.mask(M0, bigc) fastremap.renumber(M0, in_place=True) #convenient to guarantee non-skipped labels M0 = np.reshape(M0, shape0) return M0
[docs]def compute_masks(dP, cellprob, bd=None, p=None, inds=None, niter=200, mask_threshold=0.0, diam_threshold=12., flow_threshold=0.4, interp=True, do_3D=False, min_size=15, resize=None, verbose=False, use_gpu=False,device=None,nclasses=3): """ compute masks using dynamics from dP, cellprob, and boundary """ if verbose:'mask_threshold is %f',mask_threshold) cp_mask = cellprob > mask_threshold # analog to original iscell=(cellprob>cellprob_threshold) if np.any(cp_mask): #mask at this point is a cell cluster binary map, not labels # follow flows if p is None: p , inds, tr = follow_flows(dP * cp_mask / 5., mask=cp_mask, inds=inds, niter=niter, interp=interp, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device) if inds.ndim < 2 or inds.shape[0] < 5:'No cell pixels found.') shape = resize if resize is not None else cellprob.shape mask = np.zeros(shape, np.uint16) p = np.zeros((len(shape), *shape), np.uint16) return mask, p, [] else: if verbose:'p given') #calculate masks mask = get_masks(p, iscell=cp_mask, flows=dP, use_gpu=use_gpu) # flow thresholding factored out of get_masks if not do_3D: shape0 = p.shape[1:] if mask.max()>0 and flow_threshold is not None and flow_threshold > 0: # make sure labels are unique at output of get_masks mask = remove_bad_flow_masks(mask, dP, threshold=flow_threshold, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device) if resize is not None: #if verbose: #'resizing output with resize = {resize}') if mask.max() > 2**16-1: recast = True mask = mask.astype(np.float32) else: recast = False mask = mask.astype(np.uint16) mask = transforms.resize_image(mask, resize[0], resize[1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) if recast: mask = mask.astype(np.uint32) Ly,Lx = mask.shape elif mask.max() < 2**16: mask = mask.astype(np.uint16) else: # nothing to compute, just make it compatible'No cell pixels found.') shape = resize if resize is not None else cellprob.shape mask = np.zeros(shape, np.uint16) p = np.zeros((len(shape), *shape), np.uint16) return mask, p, [] # moving the cleanup to the end helps avoid some bugs arising from scaling... # maybe better would be to rescale the min_size and hole_size parameters to do the # cleanup at the prediction scale, or switch depending on which one is bigger... mask = utils.fill_holes_and_remove_small_masks(mask, min_size=min_size) if mask.dtype==np.uint32: dynamics_logger.warning('more than 65535 masks in image, masks returned as np.uint32') return mask, p, []