Source code for cellpose.models

Copyright © 2023 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Authored by Carsen Stringer and Marius Pachitariu.

import os, sys, time, shutil, tempfile, datetime, pathlib, subprocess
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from tqdm import trange, tqdm
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import torch

import logging

models_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from . import transforms, dynamics, utils, plot
from .resnet_torch import CPnet
from .core import assign_device, check_mkl, run_net, run_3D

_MODEL_DIR_DEFAULT = pathlib.Path.home().joinpath(".cellpose", "models")

    "cyto3", "nuclei", "cyto2_cp3", "tissuenet_cp3", "livecell_cp3", "yeast_PhC_cp3",
    "yeast_BF_cp3", "bact_phase_cp3", "bact_fluor_cp3", "deepbacs_cp3", "cyto2", "cyto",
    "transformer_cp3", "neurips_cellpose_default", "neurips_cellpose_transformer",

MODEL_LIST_PATH = os.fspath(MODEL_DIR.joinpath("gui_models.txt"))

normalize_default = {
    "lowhigh": None,
    "percentile": None,
    "normalize": True,
    "norm3D": False,
    "sharpen_radius": 0,
    "smooth_radius": 0,
    "tile_norm_blocksize": 0,
    "tile_norm_smooth3D": 1,
    "invert": False

def model_path(model_type, model_index=0):
    torch_str = "torch"
    if model_type == "cyto" or model_type == "cyto2" or model_type == "nuclei":
        basename = "%s%s_%d" % (model_type, torch_str, model_index)
        basename = model_type
    return cache_model_path(basename)
def size_model_path(model_type):
    if os.path.exists(model_type):
        return model_type + "_size.npy"
        torch_str = "torch"
        if model_type == "cyto" or model_type == "nuclei" or model_type == "cyto2":
            basename = "size_%s%s_0.npy" % (model_type, torch_str)
            basename = "size_%s.npy" % model_type
        return cache_model_path(basename)

def cache_model_path(basename):
    MODEL_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    url = f"{_MODEL_URL}/{basename}"
    cached_file = os.fspath(MODEL_DIR.joinpath(basename))
    if not os.path.exists(cached_file):'Downloading: "{}" to {}\n'.format(url, cached_file))
        utils.download_url_to_file(url, cached_file, progress=True)
    return cached_file

def get_user_models():
    model_strings = []
    if os.path.exists(MODEL_LIST_PATH):
        with open(MODEL_LIST_PATH, "r") as textfile:
            lines = [line.rstrip() for line in textfile]
            if len(lines) > 0:
    return model_strings

[docs]class Cellpose(): """Main model which combines SizeModel and CellposeModel. Args: gpu (bool, optional): Whether or not to use GPU, will check if GPU available. Defaults to False. model_type (str, optional): Model type. "cyto"=cytoplasm model; "nuclei"=nucleus model; "cyto2"=cytoplasm model with additional user images; "cyto3"=super-generalist model; Defaults to "cyto3". device (torch device, optional): Device used for model running / training. Overrides gpu input. Recommended if you want to use a specific GPU (e.g. torch.device("cuda:1")). Defaults to None. Attributes: device (torch device): Device used for model running / training. gpu (bool): Flag indicating if GPU is used. diam_mean (float): Mean diameter for cytoplasm model. cp (CellposeModel): CellposeModel instance. pretrained_size (str): Pretrained size model path. sz (SizeModel): SizeModel instance. """ def __init__(self, gpu=False, model_type="cyto3", nchan=2, device=None, backbone="default"): super(Cellpose, self).__init__() # assign device (GPU or CPU) sdevice, gpu = assign_device(use_torch=True, gpu=gpu) self.device = device if device is not None else sdevice self.gpu = gpu self.backbone = backbone model_type = "cyto3" if model_type is None else model_type self.diam_mean = 30. #default for any cyto model nuclear = "nuclei" in model_type if nuclear: self.diam_mean = 17. if model_type in ["cyto", "nuclei", "cyto2", "cyto3"] and nchan!=2: nchan = 2 models_logger.warning(f"cannot set nchan to other value for {model_type} model") self.nchan = nchan self.cp = CellposeModel(device=self.device, gpu=self.gpu, model_type=model_type, diam_mean=self.diam_mean, nchan=self.nchan, backbone=self.backbone) self.cp.model_type = model_type # size model not used for bacterial model self.pretrained_size = size_model_path(model_type) = SizeModel(device=self.device, pretrained_size=self.pretrained_size, cp_model=self.cp) = model_type
[docs] def eval(self, x, batch_size=8, channels=[0,0], channel_axis=None, invert=False, normalize=True, diameter=30., do_3D=False, find_masks=True, **kwargs): """Run cellpose size model and mask model and get masks. Args: x (list or array): List or array of images. Can be list of 2D/3D images, or array of 2D/3D images, or 4D image array. batch_size (int, optional): Number of 224x224 patches to run simultaneously on the GPU. Can make smaller or bigger depending on GPU memory usage. Defaults to 8. channels (list, optional): List of channels, either of length 2 or of length number of images by 2. First element of list is the channel to segment (0=grayscale, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). Second element of list is the optional nuclear channel (0=none, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). For instance, to segment grayscale images, input [0,0]. To segment images with cells in green and nuclei in blue, input [2,3]. To segment one grayscale image and one image with cells in green and nuclei in blue, input [[0,0], [2,3]]. Defaults to [0,0]. channel_axis (int, optional): If None, channels dimension is attempted to be automatically determined. Defaults to None. invert (bool, optional): Invert image pixel intensity before running network (if True, image is also normalized). Defaults to False. normalize (bool, optional): If True, normalize data so 0.0=1st percentile and 1.0=99th percentile of image intensities in each channel; can also pass dictionary of parameters (see CellposeModel for details). Defaults to True. diameter (float, optional): If set to None, then diameter is automatically estimated if size model is loaded. Defaults to 30.. do_3D (bool, optional): Set to True to run 3D segmentation on 4D image input. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple containing - masks (list of 2D arrays or single 3D array): Labelled image, where 0=no masks; 1,2,...=mask labels. - flows (list of lists 2D arrays or list of 3D arrays): - flows[k][0] = XY flow in HSV 0-255 - flows[k][1] = XY flows at each pixel - flows[k][2] = cell probability (if > cellprob_threshold, pixel used for dynamics) - flows[k][3] = final pixel locations after Euler integration - styles (list of 1D arrays of length 256 or single 1D array): Style vector summarizing each image, also used to estimate size of objects in image. - diams (list of diameters or float): List of diameters or float (if do_3D=True). """ tic0 = time.time()"channels set to {channels}") diam0 = diameter[0] if isinstance(diameter, (np.ndarray, list)) else diameter estimate_size = True if (diameter is None or diam0 == 0) else False if estimate_size and self.pretrained_size is not None and not do_3D and x[ 0].ndim < 4: tic = time.time()"~~~ ESTIMATING CELL DIAMETER(S) ~~~") diams, _ =, channels=channels, channel_axis=channel_axis, batch_size=batch_size, normalize=normalize, invert=invert) diameter = None"estimated cell diameter(s) in %0.2f sec" % (time.time() - tic))">>> diameter(s) = ") if isinstance(diams, list) or isinstance(diams, np.ndarray): diam_string = "[" + "".join(["%0.2f, " % d for d in diams]) + "]" else: diam_string = "[ %0.2f ]" % diams elif estimate_size: if self.pretrained_size is None: reason = "no pretrained size model specified in model Cellpose" else: reason = "does not work on non-2D images" models_logger.warning(f"could not estimate diameter, {reason}") diams = self.diam_mean else: diams = diameter"~~~ FINDING MASKS ~~~") masks, flows, styles = self.cp.eval(x, channels=channels, channel_axis=channel_axis, batch_size=batch_size, normalize=normalize, invert=invert, diameter=diams, do_3D=do_3D, **kwargs)">>>> TOTAL TIME %0.2f sec" % (time.time() - tic0)) return masks, flows, styles, diams
[docs]class CellposeModel(): """ Class representing a Cellpose model. Attributes: diam_mean (float): Mean "diameter" value for the model. builtin (bool): Whether the model is a built-in model or not. device (torch device): Device used for model running / training. mkldnn (None or bool): MKLDNN flag for the model. nchan (int): Number of channels used as input to the network. nclasses (int): Number of classes in the model. nbase (list): List of base values for the model. net (CPnet): Cellpose network. pretrained_model (str or list of strings): Full path to pretrained cellpose model(s). diam_labels (numpy array): Diameter labels of the model. net_type (str): Type of the network. Methods: __init__(self, gpu=False, pretrained_model=False, model_type=None, diam_mean=30., device=None, nchan=2): Initialize the CellposeModel. eval(self, x, batch_size=8, resample=True, channels=None, channel_axis=None, z_axis=None, normalize=True, invert=False, rescale=None, diameter=None, flow_threshold=0.4, cellprob_threshold=0.0, do_3D=False, anisotropy=None, stitch_threshold=0.0, min_size=15, niter=None, augment=False, tile=True, tile_overlap=0.1, bsize=224, interp=True, compute_masks=True, progress=None): Segment list of images x, or 4D array - Z x nchan x Y x X. """
[docs] def __init__(self, gpu=False, pretrained_model=False, model_type=None, diam_mean=30., device=None, nchan=2, backbone="default"): """ Initialize the CellposeModel. Parameters: gpu (bool, optional): Whether or not to save model to GPU, will check if GPU available. pretrained_model (str or list of strings, optional): Full path to pretrained cellpose model(s), if None or False, no model loaded. model_type (str, optional): Any model that is available in the GUI, use name in GUI e.g. "livecell" (can be user-trained or model zoo). diam_mean (float, optional): Mean "diameter", 30. is built-in value for "cyto" model; 17. is built-in value for "nuclei" model; if saved in custom model file (cellpose>=2.0) then it will be loaded automatically and overwrite this value. device (torch device, optional): Device used for model running / training (torch.device("cuda") or torch.device("cpu")), overrides gpu input, recommended if you want to use a specific GPU (e.g. torch.device("cuda:1")). nchan (int, optional): Number of channels to use as input to network, default is 2 (cyto + nuclei) or (nuclei + zeros). """ self.diam_mean = diam_mean ### set model path default_model = "cyto3" if backbone=="default" else "transformer_cp3" builtin = False use_default = False model_strings = get_user_models() all_models = MODEL_NAMES.copy() all_models.extend(model_strings) # check if pretrained_model is builtin or custom user model saved in .cellpose/models # if yes, then set to model_type if (pretrained_model and not Path(pretrained_model).exists() and np.any([pretrained_model == s for s in all_models])): model_type = pretrained_model # check if model_type is builtin or custom user model saved in .cellpose/models if model_type is not None and np.any([model_type == s for s in all_models]): if np.any([model_type == s for s in MODEL_NAMES]): builtin = True">> {model_type} << model set to be used") if model_type == "nuclei": self.diam_mean = 17. pretrained_model = model_path(model_type) # if model_type is not None and does not exist, use default model elif model_type is not None: if Path(model_type).exists(): pretrained_model = model_type else: models_logger.warning("model_type does not exist, using default model") use_default = True # if model_type is None... else: # if pretrained_model does not exist, use default model if pretrained_model and not Path(pretrained_model).exists(): models_logger.warning("pretrained_model path does not exist, using default model") use_default = True builtin = True if use_default else builtin self.pretrained_model = model_path(default_model) if use_default else pretrained_model ### assign model device self.mkldnn = None if device is None: sdevice, gpu = assign_device(use_torch=True, gpu=gpu) self.device = device if device is not None else sdevice if device is not None: device_gpu = self.device.type == "cuda" self.gpu = gpu if device is None else device_gpu if not self.gpu: self.mkldnn = check_mkl(True) ### create neural network self.nchan = nchan self.nclasses = 3 nbase = [32, 64, 128, 256] self.nbase = [nchan, *nbase] self.pretrained_model = pretrained_model if backbone=="default": = CPnet(self.nbase, self.nclasses, sz=3, mkldnn=self.mkldnn, max_pool=True, diam_mean=diam_mean).to(self.device) else: from .segformer import Transformer = Transformer(encoder_weights="imagenet" if not self.pretrained_model else None, diam_mean=diam_mean).to(self.device) ### load model weights if self.pretrained_model:">>>> loading model {pretrained_model}"), device=self.device) if not builtin: self.diam_mean =[0] self.diam_labels =[0] f">>>> model diam_mean = {self.diam_mean: .3f} (ROIs rescaled to this size during training)" ) if not builtin: f">>>> model diam_labels = {self.diam_labels: .3f} (mean diameter of training ROIs)" ) else:">>>> no model weights loaded") self.diam_labels = self.diam_mean self.net_type = f"cellpose_{backbone}"
[docs] def eval(self, x, batch_size=8, resample=True, channels=None, channel_axis=None, z_axis=None, normalize=True, invert=False, rescale=None, diameter=None, flow_threshold=0.4, cellprob_threshold=0.0, do_3D=False, anisotropy=None, stitch_threshold=0.0, min_size=15, niter=None, augment=False, tile=True, tile_overlap=0.1, bsize=224, interp=True, compute_masks=True, progress=None): """ segment list of images x, or 4D array - Z x nchan x Y x X Args: x (list, np.ndarry): can be list of 2D/3D/4D images, or array of 2D/3D/4D images batch_size (int, optional): number of 224x224 patches to run simultaneously on the GPU (can make smaller or bigger depending on GPU memory usage). Defaults to 8. resample (bool, optional): run dynamics at original image size (will be slower but create more accurate boundaries). Defaults to True. channels (list, optional): list of channels, either of length 2 or of length number of images by 2. First element of list is the channel to segment (0=grayscale, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). Second element of list is the optional nuclear channel (0=none, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). For instance, to segment grayscale images, input [0,0]. To segment images with cells in green and nuclei in blue, input [2,3]. To segment one grayscale image and one image with cells in green and nuclei in blue, input [[0,0], [2,3]]. Defaults to None. channel_axis (int, optional): channel axis in element of list x, or of np.ndarray x. if None, channels dimension is attempted to be automatically determined. Defaults to None. z_axis (int, optional): z axis in element of list x, or of np.ndarray x. if None, z dimension is attempted to be automatically determined. Defaults to None. normalize (bool, optional): if True, normalize data so 0.0=1st percentile and 1.0=99th percentile of image intensities in each channel; can also pass dictionary of parameters (all keys are optional, default values shown): - "lowhigh"=None : pass in normalization values for 0.0 and 1.0 as list [low, high] (if not None, all following parameters ignored) - "sharpen"=0 ; sharpen image with high pass filter, recommended to be 1/4-1/8 diameter of cells in pixels - "normalize"=True ; run normalization (if False, all following parameters ignored) - "percentile"=None : pass in percentiles to use as list [perc_low, perc_high] - "tile_norm"=0 ; compute normalization in tiles across image to brighten dark areas, to turn on set to window size in pixels (e.g. 100) - "norm3D"=False ; compute normalization across entire z-stack rather than plane-by-plane in stitching mode. Defaults to True. invert (bool, optional): invert image pixel intensity before running network. Defaults to False. rescale (float, optional): resize factor for each image, if None, set to 1.0; (only used if diameter is None). Defaults to None. diameter (float, optional): diameter for each image, if diameter is None, set to diam_mean or diam_train if available. Defaults to None. flow_threshold (float, optional): flow error threshold (all cells with errors below threshold are kept) (not used for 3D). Defaults to 0.4. cellprob_threshold (float, optional): all pixels with value above threshold kept for masks, decrease to find more and larger masks. Defaults to 0.0. do_3D (bool, optional): set to True to run 3D segmentation on 3D/4D image input. Defaults to False. anisotropy (float, optional): for 3D segmentation, optional rescaling factor (e.g. set to 2.0 if Z is sampled half as dense as X or Y). Defaults to None. stitch_threshold (float, optional): if stitch_threshold>0.0 and not do_3D, masks are stitched in 3D to return volume segmentation. Defaults to 0.0. min_size (int, optional): all ROIs below this size, in pixels, will be discarded. Defaults to 15. niter (int, optional): number of iterations for dynamics computation. if None, it is set proportional to the diameter. Defaults to None. augment (bool, optional): tiles image with overlapping tiles and flips overlapped regions to augment. Defaults to False. tile (bool, optional): tiles image to ensure GPU/CPU memory usage limited (recommended). Defaults to True. tile_overlap (float, optional): fraction of overlap of tiles when computing flows. Defaults to 0.1. bsize (int, optional): block size for tiles, recommended to keep at 224, like in training. Defaults to 224. interp (bool, optional): interpolate during 2D dynamics (not available in 3D) . Defaults to True. compute_masks (bool, optional): Whether or not to compute dynamics and return masks. This is set to False when retrieving the styles for the size model. Defaults to True. progress (QProgressBar, optional): pyqt progress bar. Defaults to None. Returns: A tuple containing: - masks (list, np.ndarray): labelled image(s), where 0=no masks; 1,2,...=mask labels - flows (list): list of lists: flows[k][0] = XY flow in HSV 0-255; flows[k][1] = XY(Z) flows at each pixel; flows[k][2] = cell probability (if > cellprob_threshold, pixel used for dynamics); flows[k][3] = final pixel locations after Euler integration - styles (list, np.ndarray): style vector summarizing each image of size 256. """ if isinstance(x, list) or x.squeeze().ndim == 5: self.timing = [] masks, styles, flows = [], [], [] tqdm_out = utils.TqdmToLogger(models_logger, level=logging.INFO) nimg = len(x) iterator = trange(nimg, file=tqdm_out, mininterval=30) if nimg > 1 else range(nimg) for i in iterator: tic = time.time() maski, flowi, stylei = self.eval( x[i], batch_size=batch_size, channels=channels[i] if channels is not None and ((len(channels) == len(x) and (isinstance(channels[i], list) or isinstance(channels[i], np.ndarray)) and len(channels[i]) == 2)) else channels, channel_axis=channel_axis, z_axis=z_axis, normalize=normalize, invert=invert, rescale=rescale[i] if isinstance(rescale, list) or isinstance(rescale, np.ndarray) else rescale, diameter=diameter[i] if isinstance(diameter, list) or isinstance(diameter, np.ndarray) else diameter, do_3D=do_3D, anisotropy=anisotropy, augment=augment, tile=tile, tile_overlap=tile_overlap, bsize=bsize, resample=resample, interp=interp, flow_threshold=flow_threshold, cellprob_threshold=cellprob_threshold, compute_masks=compute_masks, min_size=min_size, stitch_threshold=stitch_threshold, progress=progress, niter=niter) masks.append(maski) flows.append(flowi) styles.append(stylei) self.timing.append(time.time() - tic) return masks, flows, styles else: # reshape image x = transforms.convert_image(x, channels, channel_axis=channel_axis, z_axis=z_axis, do_3D=(do_3D or stitch_threshold > 0), nchan=self.nchan) if x.ndim < 4: x = x[np.newaxis, ...] self.batch_size = batch_size if diameter is not None and diameter > 0: rescale = self.diam_mean / diameter elif rescale is None: diameter = self.diam_labels rescale = self.diam_mean / diameter masks, styles, dP, cellprob, p = self._run_cp( x, compute_masks=compute_masks, normalize=normalize, invert=invert, rescale=rescale, resample=resample, augment=augment, tile=tile, tile_overlap=tile_overlap, bsize=bsize, flow_threshold=flow_threshold, cellprob_threshold=cellprob_threshold, interp=interp, min_size=min_size, do_3D=do_3D, anisotropy=anisotropy, niter=niter, stitch_threshold=stitch_threshold) flows = [plot.dx_to_circ(dP), dP, cellprob, p] return masks, flows, styles
def _run_cp(self, x, compute_masks=True, normalize=True, invert=False, niter=None, rescale=1.0, resample=True, augment=False, tile=True, tile_overlap=0.1, cellprob_threshold=0.0, bsize=224, flow_threshold=0.4, min_size=15, interp=True, anisotropy=1.0, do_3D=False, stitch_threshold=0.0): if isinstance(normalize, dict): normalize_params = {**normalize_default, **normalize} elif not isinstance(normalize, bool): raise ValueError("normalize parameter must be a bool or a dict") else: normalize_params = normalize_default normalize_params["normalize"] = normalize normalize_params["invert"] = invert tic = time.time() shape = x.shape nimg = shape[0] bd, tr = None, None # pre-normalize if 3D stack for stitching or do_3D do_normalization = True if normalize_params["normalize"] else False if nimg > 1 and do_normalization and (stitch_threshold or do_3D): # must normalize in 3D if do_3D is True normalize_params["norm3D"] = True if do_3D else normalize_params["norm3D"] x = np.asarray(x) x = transforms.normalize_img(x, **normalize_params) # do not normalize again do_normalization = False if do_3D: img = np.asarray(x) yf, styles = run_3D(, img, rsz=rescale, anisotropy=anisotropy, augment=augment, tile=tile, tile_overlap=tile_overlap) cellprob = yf[0][-1] + yf[1][-1] + yf[2][-1] dP = np.stack( (yf[1][0] + yf[2][0], yf[0][0] + yf[2][1], yf[0][1] + yf[1][1]), axis=0) # (dZ, dY, dX) del yf else: tqdm_out = utils.TqdmToLogger(models_logger, level=logging.INFO) iterator = trange(nimg, file=tqdm_out, mininterval=30) if nimg > 1 else range(nimg) styles = np.zeros((nimg, self.nbase[-1]), np.float32) if resample: dP = np.zeros((2, nimg, shape[1], shape[2]), np.float32) cellprob = np.zeros((nimg, shape[1], shape[2]), np.float32) else: dP = np.zeros( (2, nimg, int(shape[1] * rescale), int(shape[2] * rescale)), np.float32) cellprob = np.zeros( (nimg, int(shape[1] * rescale), int(shape[2] * rescale)), np.float32) for i in iterator: img = np.asarray(x[i]) if do_normalization: img = transforms.normalize_img(img, **normalize_params) if rescale != 1.0: img = transforms.resize_image(img, rsz=rescale) yf, style = run_net(, img, bsize=bsize, augment=augment, tile=tile, tile_overlap=tile_overlap) if resample: yf = transforms.resize_image(yf, shape[1], shape[2]) cellprob[i] = yf[:, :, 2] dP[:, i] = yf[:, :, :2].transpose((2, 0, 1)) if self.nclasses == 4: if i == 0: bd = np.zeros_like(cellprob) bd[i] = yf[:, :, 3] styles[i][:len(style)] = style del yf, style styles = styles.squeeze() net_time = time.time() - tic if nimg > 1:"network run in %2.2fs" % (net_time)) if compute_masks: tic = time.time() niter0 = 200 if (do_3D and not resample) else (1 / rescale * 200) niter = niter0 if niter is None or niter==0 else niter if do_3D: masks, p = dynamics.resize_and_compute_masks( dP, cellprob, niter=niter, cellprob_threshold=cellprob_threshold, flow_threshold=flow_threshold, interp=interp, do_3D=do_3D, min_size=min_size, resize=None, device=self.device if self.gpu else None) else: masks, p = [], [] resize = [shape[1], shape[2]] if (not resample and rescale != 1) else None iterator = trange(nimg, file=tqdm_out, mininterval=30) if nimg > 1 else range(nimg) for i in iterator: outputs = dynamics.resize_and_compute_masks( dP[:, i], cellprob[i], niter=niter, cellprob_threshold=cellprob_threshold, flow_threshold=flow_threshold, interp=interp, resize=resize, min_size=min_size if stitch_threshold == 0 or nimg == 1 else -1, # turn off for 3D stitching device=self.device if self.gpu else None) masks.append(outputs[0]) p.append(outputs[1]) masks = np.array(masks) p = np.array(p) if stitch_threshold > 0 and nimg > 1: f"stitching {nimg} planes using stitch_threshold={stitch_threshold:0.3f} to make 3D masks" ) masks = utils.stitch3D(masks, stitch_threshold=stitch_threshold) masks = utils.fill_holes_and_remove_small_masks( masks, min_size=min_size) elif nimg > 1: models_logger.warning("3D stack used, but stitch_threshold=0 and do_3D=False, so masks are made per plane only") flow_time = time.time() - tic if nimg > 1:"masks created in %2.2fs" % (flow_time)) masks, dP, cellprob, p = masks.squeeze(), dP.squeeze(), cellprob.squeeze( ), p.squeeze() else: masks, p = np.zeros(0), np.zeros(0) #pass back zeros if not compute_masks return masks, styles, dP, cellprob, p
[docs]class SizeModel(): """ Linear regression model for determining the size of objects in image used to rescale before input to cp_model. Uses styles from cp_model. Attributes: pretrained_size (str): Path to pretrained size model. cp (UnetModel or CellposeModel): Model from which to get styles. device (torch device): Device used for model running / training (torch.device("cuda") or torch.device("cpu")), overrides gpu input, recommended if you want to use a specific GPU (e.g. torch.device("cuda:1")). diam_mean (float): Mean diameter of objects. Methods: eval(self, x, channels=None, channel_axis=None, normalize=True, invert=False, augment=False, tile=True, batch_size=8, progress=None, interp=True): Use images x to produce style or use style input to predict size of objects in image. Raises: ValueError: If no pretrained cellpose model is specified, cannot compute size. """ def __init__(self, cp_model, device=None, pretrained_size=None, **kwargs): super(SizeModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) """ Initialize size model. Args: cp_model (UnetModel or CellposeModel): Model from which to get styles. device (torch device, optional): Device used for model running / training (torch.device("cuda") or torch.device("cpu")), overrides gpu input, recommended if you want to use a specific GPU (e.g. torch.device("cuda:1")). pretrained_size (str): Path to pretrained size model. """ self.pretrained_size = pretrained_size self.cp = cp_model self.device = self.cp.device self.diam_mean = self.cp.diam_mean if pretrained_size is not None: self.params = np.load(self.pretrained_size, allow_pickle=True).item() self.diam_mean = self.params["diam_mean"] if not hasattr(self.cp, "pretrained_model"): error_message = "no pretrained cellpose model specified, cannot compute size" models_logger.critical(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message)
[docs] def eval(self, x, channels=None, channel_axis=None, normalize=True, invert=False, augment=False, tile=True, batch_size=8, progress=None): """Use images x to produce style or use style input to predict size of objects in image. Object size estimation is done in two steps: 1. Use a linear regression model to predict size from style in image. 2. Resize image to predicted size and run CellposeModel to get output masks. Take the median object size of the predicted masks as the final predicted size. Args: x (list, np.ndarry): can be list of 2D/3D/4D images, or array of 2D/3D/4D images channels (list, optional): list of channels, either of length 2 or of length number of images by 2. First element of list is the channel to segment (0=grayscale, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). Second element of list is the optional nuclear channel (0=none, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue). For instance, to segment grayscale images, input [0,0]. To segment images with cells in green and nuclei in blue, input [2,3]. To segment one grayscale image and one image with cells in green and nuclei in blue, input [[0,0], [2,3]]. Defaults to None. channel_axis (int, optional): channel axis in element of list x, or of np.ndarray x. if None, channels dimension is attempted to be automatically determined. Defaults to None. normalize (bool, optional): if True, normalize data so 0.0=1st percentile and 1.0=99th percentile of image intensities in each channel; can also pass dictionary of parameters (all keys are optional, default values shown): - "lowhigh"=None : pass in normalization values for 0.0 and 1.0 as list [low, high] (if not None, all following parameters ignored) - "sharpen"=0 ; sharpen image with high pass filter, recommended to be 1/4-1/8 diameter of cells in pixels - "normalize"=True ; run normalization (if False, all following parameters ignored) - "percentile"=None : pass in percentiles to use as list [perc_low, perc_high] - "tile_norm"=0 ; compute normalization in tiles across image to brighten dark areas, to turn on set to window size in pixels (e.g. 100) - "norm3D"=False ; compute normalization across entire z-stack rather than plane-by-plane in stitching mode. Defaults to True. invert (bool, optional): Invert image pixel intensity before running network (if True, image is also normalized). Defaults to False. augment (bool, optional): tiles image with overlapping tiles and flips overlapped regions to augment. Defaults to False. tile (bool, optional): tiles image to ensure GPU/CPU memory usage limited (recommended). Defaults to True. batch_size (int, optional): number of 224x224 patches to run simultaneously on the GPU (can make smaller or bigger depending on GPU memory usage). Defaults to 8. progress (QProgressBar, optional): pyqt progress bar. Defaults to None. Returns: A tuple containing: - diam (np.ndarray): Final estimated diameters from images x or styles style after running both steps. - diam_style (np.ndarray): Estimated diameters from style alone. """ if isinstance(x, list): self.timing = [] diams, diams_style = [], [] nimg = len(x) tqdm_out = utils.TqdmToLogger(models_logger, level=logging.INFO) iterator = trange(nimg, file=tqdm_out, mininterval=30) if nimg > 1 else range(nimg) for i in iterator: tic = time.time() diam, diam_style = self.eval( x[i], channels=channels[i] if (channels is not None and len(channels) == len(x) and (isinstance(channels[i], list) or isinstance(channels[i], np.ndarray)) and len(channels[i]) == 2) else channels, channel_axis=channel_axis, normalize=normalize, invert=invert, augment=augment, tile=tile, batch_size=batch_size, progress=progress) diams.append(diam) diams_style.append(diam_style) self.timing.append(time.time() - tic) return diams, diams_style if x.squeeze().ndim > 3: models_logger.warning("image is not 2D cannot compute diameter") return self.diam_mean, self.diam_mean styles = self.cp.eval(x, channels=channels, channel_axis=channel_axis, normalize=normalize, invert=invert, augment=augment, tile=tile, batch_size=batch_size, resample=False, compute_masks=False)[-1] diam_style = self._size_estimation(np.array(styles)) diam_style = self.diam_mean if (diam_style == 0 or np.isnan(diam_style)) else diam_style masks = self.cp.eval( x, compute_masks=True, channels=channels, channel_axis=channel_axis, normalize=normalize, invert=invert, augment=augment, tile=tile, batch_size=batch_size, resample=False, rescale=self.diam_mean / diam_style if self.diam_mean > 0 else 1, diameter=None, interp=False)[0] diam = utils.diameters(masks)[0] diam = self.diam_mean if (diam == 0 or np.isnan(diam)) else diam return diam, diam_style
def _size_estimation(self, style): """ linear regression from style to size sizes were estimated using "diameters" from square estimates not circles; therefore a conversion factor is included (to be removed) """ szest = np.exp(self.params["A"] @ (style - self.params["smean"]).T + np.log(self.diam_mean) + self.params["ymean"]) szest = np.maximum(5., szest) return szest